The Impact of 30 Years: Null and VoidAfter 30 years of outstanding service as the Director of the Award-winning North Carolina A&T State Gospel Choir (GC) and the recent Golden Anniversary celebration, Ron Jones was informed by the administration that he was “retiring”, effective immediately. The administration continued to insist that Ron chose to retire and have been vague when asked about the abruptness of the decision, only stating that the choir is heading in a “new direction”. Throughout this ordeal, Ron has maintained that he did not retire, nor did he tender a letter of resignation. Needless to say, this abrupt decision left the current gospel choir frustrated and confused, while the University sought to replace Ron. Although, we as alumni and supporters of the choir understand that the position has now been filled and that the current choir has resumed normal function, continuing its legacy, we want it to be known that the manner in which Mr. Jones was released was without cause, disrespectful and took no consideration into the 30 years of service that he has rendered, not just to the University, but the surrounding Greensboro community and the world. The way in which Mr. Jones was released, showed that the service and dedication that Ron rendered was completely disregarded by the University and subsequently showed that they did not care. This type of action is not representative of the institution that we know and love. This type of action does not constitute what "Aggies Do." This type of action, in know way, exemplifies "Aggie Pride." If you are in agreement, please join us.356 of 400 SignaturesCreated by NC A&T Alumni Fellowship Gospel Choir
Revoke Central Maine Power's License To Operate A UtilityCentral Maine power has been overcharging customers since 2011, is unethical in their business practices, has lied (and continues to do so) to their customers and the MPUC (this is how they managed to push through the Certificate of Public need for the NECEC). Mainer’s want a Maine based Consumer owned utility with reasonable rates, SAFE & RELIABLE power, MAINE based customer service centers, NO corporate greed . Maine people should be able to live their lives “the way life should be” instead of working just to pay a utility bill. CMP has higher rates than NY without N.Y. Incomes. We want and NEED a PUBLIC owned utility company. Why should we be Consumer owned? 1) WE OWN the lines, assets, and the Maine grid - 2) It’s a NON-PROFIT Company (no more lining the greedy pockets of foreign shareholders) - 3) All profits are required to go back into the company for maintenance and upgrades to our grid, including vegetation management. - 4) Run by our MAINE citizens - 5) we will have REAL transparency - 6) MAINE citizens WILL have a say in the decision making - 7) All of our PERSONAL INFORMATION will be BACK in Maine not in SPAIN. *** Maine Consumer UTILITY NOT COMPANY***3,281 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by TD
Stop playing video of Trump’s liesEvery American is being affected. Trump gets free media coverage and the other candidates don’t.826 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Simmi Doyle
#USOpen: Reject Dictator Dollars! @USOpenIt upsets me deeply that the UAE monarchy abuses and kills thousands while sponsoring glamorous sporting events like the US Open. The United Arab Emirates is a brutal monarchy that has killed thousands of civilians in Yemen. The monarchy also imprisons human rights activists, opposes labor rights, and discriminates against women. 11 organizations are calling on the US Open and US Tennis Association to drop the UAE and reject the sponsorship dollars of the UAE-owned Emirates airline. Read our letter: https://freedomforward.org/2019/07/23/usopen-uae/12,217 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Sunjeev Bery, Freedom Forward
#JusticeforsolomonharrisClass action lawsuit against Geico's unethical violation of FMLA laws.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Solomon Harris
A Dating App/Website For Transgender PeopleThis website or app will help trans Americans because by allowing them to date earlier and will provide assistance to them. In today's society, it can be difficult for trans-Americans to get support from friends and family. They are often bullied, which is really unethical. If someone becomes a friend of a trans person and be very supportive of them they can become attracted to their friend or want a relationship with that friend, but if the person doesn't want a relationship this can be a problem. This can cause trans-Americans to lose friends in their teenage years and especially in college. There should be an app or website made to prevent this. I have personally been affected by this issue because I was very good friends with and was really supportive of someone who was transgender. She got attracted to me because I was being supportive of her. Her parents did not allow her to date early even though she probably liked me. I'm not sure if we are still friends or what we are now... I don't know if I would date her...Probably I would not because I'm not transgender. But, I believe there should be some support system in schools through guidance counselors and therapists who would work with Rachel Maddow and other people to create a website or app for trans-Americans. The app or website should provide inspirational quotes to help trans Americans from getting depressed in their teenage years and should emphasize that beauty comes from within. Often times transgender people are insecure about themselves, lack self-confidence. Some of them try putting on lots of makeup to feel like they are worth something. Often they feel worthless and that should stop.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anandita Kumar
Tell Torrid to take anti-Catholic art off underwearTorrid has put a depiction of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on various underwear and bras. They call the pattern Sacred Heart. These are sacred Catholic symbols for Catholics worldwide. Sacred religious symbols are being treated like an emoji or kitsch. Would they do this to the Star of David? Please sign this petition to urge them to recall these items. This anti-Catholic bigotry.135 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ellen Smith
Bring back the player market on 9innings Pro BaseballCom2Us’s mobile games are essentially ripping players off through overcharging players hundreds of dollars to get better at the mobile game 9InningsPro Baseball. This petition is not to fully stop this product or cause backlash, but to create and allow players to get better at the game with other means than just spending exhausting amounts of money (I.e player trading/market.) these features were in older versions of the game and could be implemented again to allow players to have access to the better players of the game without spending hundreds of dollars. With this petition, we will show our support to a great game that Com2Us created but unite our concerns for this game's cost. Thank you, Kodie D. Egenolf35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kodie Egenolf
Consent Training on Dating AppsConsent is defined as the permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. Consent is very important but unfortunately, there are many people who ignore it. There are many, many people who I personally know, I included, who have their consent taken away from them. This has got to come to an end. Consent training would be a step closer to a better world.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by devayani varma
Remove New Age Disinformation Off InstagramInstagram is saturated with Pseudo Science pages and Snake Oil Spiritual products bombarding Instagram feeds. These pages also saturate Instagram with Fakenews of Political and Social importance.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peor Goldschild
Stop The East Marion Community AssociationThe East Marion Community Association sponsored a vote to include a number of main road homes into a historic district. This vote was biased because abstaining from the vote was considered a yes. Unfair, because co-owned homes were given a vote per owner, single owners got one vote. The vote was announced AFTER the historic committee had its ducks in a row, knowing that the vote was skewed to a windfall. Only owners who objected to the district had to vote, and to do so required the homeowner to notarize a document proving ownership and location, and then mail the objection to the parks department, all at the owner's expense. Some paperwork from the parks department was sent to addresses other than the actual residences and delivered AFTER all the hearings were completed. A number of residents were unaware that they had to write in a 'no' vote, and some did not receive ANY paperwork. Some residents were under the impression that an actual vote was going to take place in the "COMMUNITY", which did not happen. The committee promoting this historic district was comprised largely of homeowners who rent their home outside the legal 2-week local code. We ask that the "East Marion Community Association'' be dissolved because it has NOT acted on behalf of ALL the residents in this community. We also ask to see the emails and notes of the committee who researched this vote, which has resulted in our homes being registered in a historic district AGAINST our wishes. We collectively ask that "The East Marion Community Association", of East Marion NY 11939, be dissolved at once before they force another, even more unwanted, biased, and unfair special interest agenda on its residents.89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by stop emca
PBS should tell us the truth.On May 7, 2019, after that week’s broadcast of “Frontline” on PBS, the Frontline announcer said that next week’s broadcast would be “One Day in Gaza,” a documentary about a peaceful protest that turned deadly on May 14, 2018. A week later, exactly one year from the date of the protest, Frontline instead rebroadcast a slightly updated version of a documentary about the Mueller investigation. Repeated requests to PBS, Frontline, and a member station to ask why the showing of “One Day in Gaza” was canceled and when it would be broadcast have gone unanswered. Whatever one’s position on Israel and the Palestinians, it is generally understood that organizations that accept taxpayer dollars have a responsibility to be transparent with taxpayers about how their money is being spent. PBS receives taxpayer funding through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. However, concerning the decision to cancel the scheduled broadcast of “One Day in Gaza,” PBS has remained silent, choosing to hide from the public rather than be forthcoming. Which raises the question: PBS, what are you hiding? And why? PBS viewers, members, and the general public deserve an answer.622 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Randy Bernard