• Get rid of "No New Taxes" Pledge
    Tell John Kline to renege on his pledge to the Norquist anti-tax pledge and allow the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% to end.
    803 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Deborah M.
  • Compromise to Avoid Cliff
    Massive, indiscriminate across-the-board cuts will hurt us all - not just the poor, but farmers, retirees, military personnel... everyone. Combine that will tax increases for the middle class and you have a disaster. Posturing and grandstanding aren't solutions; budget compromise is.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Ewing
  • Tell all the Republicans that took Grover Norquist's pledge that they work for us not him.
    We vote for our Representatives and Senators to represent us, the American people. They take their oath of office to do just that yet the pledge the Republicans signed to Grover Norquist takes precedence.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Haskell
  • Sen. Warner: Close Tax Loopholes, Protect SS, Medicare, Medicaid
    Congress and the President are working on another budget deal right now, which affects every person in this country, and Senator Warner's support for a fair deal instead of a bad deal is essential. He must stand up to Republican hostage takers. No benefit cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, and close tax loopholes for the top 2%.
    3,538 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Joe Cook
    We, the entire USA, will have to live with any compromise Mr. Obama and the Republicans come up with. In the last 4 years, the President has shown himself to be a poor negotiator. For example the "Grand Bargain" that thankfully the Republicans rejected. We need to push Mr. Obama to bide his time and let the "Fiscal Cliff" happen. If we all jump off the cliff together, come January 1st Mr. Obama has the strongest bargaining position that he could wish for.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Hlodnicki
  • Keep Moving Forward
    The so called Fiscal Cliff must be done right now not next year. I want the elected officials to start talking and discussing job issues. I am not working right now. Having a Job is my priority. Millions of American want to go back to work... jobs! jobs! jobs!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Ocean
  • Jobs for college graduates now!
    My two young-adult sons graduated from college last May and since then, like many others their age, they have been unable to find the least of jobs to earn some pocket money, much less to mention entry-level positions at any company. Our young people need jobs and both public officials as well as coporate leaders must address this issue.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bernadette Louis
    Stop refusing to raise taxes on the super rich and work for the people that hired you. Remember we can fire you!!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Shelor
  • Businesses in Fairfield
    To aid in bringing businesses in the city of Fairfield, AL
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marsha Lewis
  • Tell Grover Norquist He May Not Terrorize Us
    Grover Norquest proposes that the republicans should hold our president our economy, and our government hostage week by week over raising the debt ceiling and of course threatens every republican in congress with election defeat if they vote to raise taxes in any way. I suggest that this is a position of economic terrorism against the people and government of the United States and that every American should make it clear to Mr. Norquist and Americans For Tax Reform that we will stop him/them. The American middle class has been under financial assault for decades now and we must fight back. Start by letting Mr. Norquist know that you will vote in 'every' election and work to get out the vote in 'every' election to make sure that elected officials that interfere with the economic well being of our country and our government are voted out of office. Let him/them know that he/they may not take our government hostage and that we consider him/them economic terrorists.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Brillante
  • Cowardly Republicans Growup
    The Republicans are playing with our lives. Most Americans across the board are tired of their games and want them to grow the hell up and stop taking candy from the rich candy stores.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Poe Sr.
  • End Social Security Tax Loophole for the Rich
    Republicans want to cut Social Security for middle class and poor seniors while retaining the exemption that allows millionaires to avoid paying the Social Security tax on most of their income. Currently, only the first $110,100 of wages/salary is taxed; income beyond $110,100, as well as investment income, is Social Security tax-free. Save Social Security by requiring the rich to pay their fair share.
    348 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Lee Miller