Save Post Offices across AmericaSome 10,000 U.S. Postal Service stations and locations are on the chopping block. The lifeline of small communities to the rest of the world will soon be available only by greatest distances or only on the internet or dependent on media giants for communication and local deliveries. Already, the postal system is not as good as it was in our childhood. Please save it. After all, the written & printed word is important., too.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Stoda
Tax Companies For Every Job OutsourcedIt is time for companies to be held accountable for sending jobs overseas. We need to tell our leaders that it should be more expensive for corporations to outsource jobs. Tax them for EVERY job they move overseas.711 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Cherie Boeneman
JOBS & LOWER TAXESWhile the people of America are hurting to make ends meet & some to even find a job, giant Corporations are paying their CEO's more in salary than in taxes. This is absurdly unfair. We demand a reinvestment in working class Americans, lower taxes on the working class, & a jobs program to get us back to work.947 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Otep Shamaya
Tax the JOB Exporters!The conservatives claim we cannot tax the "Job creators" so lets tax the JOB EXPORTERS instead. Its time the federal government creates laws to protect American companies who hire American workers from foreign competitors. For example three American Solar Panel manufacturers have gone out of business because the price has dropped 42% due to competition from Chinese companys15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arlys MIlls
Bring Our War Dollars Home!Waging wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia, the U.S. is wasting hundreds of billions of dollars abroad and killing thousands of civilians, increasing hatred of our country and thereby decreasing our security. At the same time, President Obama and Congress are considering cutting the deficit by cutting needed social programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, and even Social Security, which has nothing to do with the deficit. Ending our six wars would return the money wasted on them to our country, saving these social programs from being cut.115 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ed Ciaccio
We Pledge to Stand Behind Our President For JobsAs our economy still flat-lines at ZERO jobs created, unemployment and underemployment continue to hold our country down and hold our families hostage. Meanwhile, the bickering in Congress has already begun about a plan THAT HAS NOT YET EVEN BEEN RELEASED. We're calling on Congress to support the President for the sake of our nation or understand that they will join the ranks of the unemployed.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shawna Vercher
Mass Transit for EveryoneMass transit allows everyone access to everything. It can help eliminate most of the problems that are at the core of our cities and the nation. Mass transit can save families thousand of dollars. To prove this, just take a moment to add up the monthly costs of a car note, car insurance, gasoline and weigh those costs against the cost of a monthly bus pass.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marva V. Douglas
Jobs, Debt and Empowering the PoorHB 235 of the 60's allowed working people with a low income to purchase a house with federal subsidy. The program was cancelled for Section 8 that put the poor back in rental property giving the subsidy to the rich. Sound familiar? If this program were re-instituted it would immediately create jobs in the housing market and increase demand for household products while stabilizing the housing market. There will not be an increase in federal dollars, just a shifting from the rich to the poor. What will it take? To start Congress will have to pass the bill. Second, the banks must come on board to offer the loans backed by government subsidies and allowing those who are working even if they have had a previous foreclosure to apply since the banks and mortgage companies contributed to their losses in the beginning of the crisis. Third, the federal government could offer unions an incentive for apprenticeships with 50% off payroll taxes for the first year for hew hires, 30% the second year, 15% the third year and 5% the fourth and final year. More people being trained, more people working, more money in the economy, increased need for goods and services and more taxes and Social Security being paid into the system sounds like a recovery to me. This is a plan that can work and create jobs now!25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Freya A Rivers
Creating JobsMany people lost power during IRENE because tree limbs fell on power lines. If you live on the east coast most likely you or people you know were without electricity and land line service because of downed lines. I know at least 3 families in different areas of NJ and CT who lost power for at least 3 days, and there are still at least 100,000 in the state who still don't have power.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rita Reisman
Go BigTell the President it's time to let the American people know that he's on their side. No more compromising with Republicans or pandering to corporate interests. Instead we want real progressive policy that will put people back to work and get the economy moving. In his speech before Congress tell the President to "GO BIG"70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katie Jacob
President Obama Fight for the Middle Class WorkersPresident Obama is working right now to prepare a speech about a new jobs program. We need to encourage him to think primarily about the Middle Class because we are the ones who are shrinking while the Upper Class becomes larger and larger. He also needs to give up on working with the Congressional Republicans, they WILL NOT support him they just want him out! They do not care about their constituents they are beholden to the corporations who give them the funds to hold their office.89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cheryl Thomas Orengo
Jobs and American Dreamcreating jobs for the middle class and bring back the American Dream14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by bruce bauer