Bring Our Jobs Back to The USA....NOW!If getting off of foreign oil is a national priority - why isn't getting off of foreign products also a national priority. We no longer make our own clothes, toys, appliances, electronics, TV sets, shoes and on and on. There are nearly 200 WalMart stores in China— How proud the shoppers must be to see everything in the store made in their country. Are you, as an American, proud to shop “big box” retailers and see 99% of the goods Made In China? We must return OUR manufacturing to the USA or perish18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by RailRoadingAmericaDotCom
Rep Kinzinger: Make the Wealthy pay their fair share-Support the Buffett RuleAdam Kinzinger signed a pledge to millionaire lobbyist Grover Norquist to never raise taxes on the wealthy while teachers, firefighters and other public workers are losing their jobs. We call on him to support the Buffett Rule and make the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes.645 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Susan Myers
Jobs for Youth, Jobs for All!Youth across New Haven have come together and acknowledge that a lot of their problems stem from unemployment. Youth see there are no opportunities for a better life without a good and decent job. So we need to take a stand and come together for our youth for they are our tomorrow. Here in New Haven we had over 20 deaths this summer. And with New Haven youth leading this movement, along with many organizations, political leaders, educational organizations, labor organizations, community groups, and everyday working people, we see that violence could have been prevented if there were more job opportunities, and opportunities in general for our youth.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by New Elm City Dream
Support the 99%I would like to see an targeted message to President Obama explaining to him that he does not need donor money from the wealthiest Americans ie Wall street. If he supports the majority of the American people, we will elect him with or without multi-million dollar advertising targeting us. A news story in the mainstream media about how he enacted the strictest policies against the wealthy ever, is the only campaign ad he needs. 73% of Americans support increasing the taxes on the rich.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by howard Cummings
Pledge to Buy AmericanTAP America (www.tapamerica.org) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit working to encourage people to practice tolerance and to purchase products made in America to stimulate our job market and economy. Please take a minute to send a message to those with power that value American jobs and don't want to see them shipped overseas.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Tso
Choose a SideWe elected Scott Garrett to represent the interests of the people of New Jersey's 5th district in Washington. Instead he has signed an oath to Grover Norquist and moved directly in line with John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, devoting his energies to ineffectual, partisan politics, accomplishing nothing. It's time for Mr. Garrett to reaffirm his allegiance to his constituents by working toward creating jobs and lifting up New Jersey's struggling middle class. NOW.836 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Bruce Livingston
Choose a Side.We elected Leonard Lance to represent the interests of the people of New Jersey's 7th district in Washington. Instead he has signed an oath to Grover Norquist and moved directly in line with John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, devoting his energies to ineffectual, partisan politics, accomplishing nothing. It's time for Mr. Lance to reaffirm his allegiance to his constituents by working toward creating jobs and lifting up New Jersey's struggling middle class. NOW.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christopher G Meyers
Bring Back the WPA - the Works Progress Administration!We the undersigned Citizens of the United States strongly urge you our US Congress to pass and SHEPHERD in to LAW of the land Senate Bill 1517 - This Act may be cited as the `21st Century WPA Act'. A BILL To provide for the creation of jobs. Sponsored by Senator Frank R. Lautenberg [D-NJ] (introduced 9/7/2011).82 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jay D Alexander
Tell the Super Committee to tackle the budget deficit the right way!We're facing an economic crisis, and if Washington tries to solve it the wrong way, the result could be catastrophic for millions of Americans. The Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction - better known as the Super Committee - is meeting and making decisions right now that will profoundly affect the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and other environmental factors that keep us healthy or prevent illness. We need your help. EWG sent the committee members our recommendations, showing that they can address the budget AND make sure that we protect programs for children, the environment and our health, as well as ensure that there's a true safety net for farmers who need it. Will you tell the committee right away that you stand with EWG?4,522 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Ken Cook
Jobs, Not CutsEnough is enough! We demand that Congress put aside partisan politics and pass a real American Jobs Act!1,036 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Saratoga Chapter MoveOn.org
Congress No Jobs No PayIf the President and the Congress of the United States are unable to reduce unemployment to a level below 5% they should recieve a 10% wage reduction for every 1% over 5% of unemployed, and shall recieve no wage increase during that period unless approved by a vote of the American people.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rod Joggerst
Amendment To Obama's Jobs Bill for 99ersThis Petition is about helping the 99ers get back into the economy. Giving them an advantage to be hired. The time to train people on the job with little investment by the company. And the knowledge of knowing the investment the company will have.77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rhonda Taylor