• TAX SUPERSTITION: No more faith based money!
    Providing money to religion is UNCONSTITUTIONAL
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert A. Senatore
  • JOBS
    One does not have to be an economic genius to know job creation will cure the country's ills. Not just 2.2 million, but 30 million, fair living wage jobs for all. The more money we as the working class have, the more we will spend... Prosperity for all, not just a select few. Fund it by Income Tax, everyone at the bottom pays it every week..... This is a challenge to Congress to stop their treasonous war against the middle and lower classes. If Pro is the opposite of Con, is Progress the opposite of Congress? This is a challenge to Congress to perform their duties.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Snodgrass
  • Declaration of Monetary Justice
    Control over money is control over the democratic political process. This explains why access to the political ballot is not enough to unleash sustainable growth in ways that not only create more green jobs but in ways that also democratize future ownership opportunities for the poor and middle class to share economic power and income from profits.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Norm Kurland
  • Middle Class Taxpayers Fed-Up
    My petition is to gather support for a nationwide federal income tax payment stoppage if no reform of the tax code results from the current negotiations and the code is not reformed to tax the wealthy and corporations equitably as compared to those in the middle class. This petition is needed to bring needed counter pressure on legislators that bears on them from the wealthy and corporations. If middle income people and workers continue to decrease in number from taxation inequity and loss of jobs, the economy, infrastructure, and the country in general will continue to suffer and the balance of power in favor of those with lots of money will continue to widen, further eroding the rights, benefits, and influence of the middle class.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Meridean Maas & Dr. Richard Maas
  • Tell Congress we don't want another debt ceiling debacle.
    Years ago, Americans pulled together during hard times, whether or not they liked the current President. It was what made our country strong. Today's atmosphere is destroying our country. We need to create jobs for the unemployed now.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colleen Assman
    To impeach and or vote out all elected officials connected with passing and supporting a Marxist and socialist agenda for those legal citizens living in this free republic called America,
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by RAYMOND DE MEO
  • Oregon State Bank
    The State of Oregon needs to establish a State Bank similar to the one in North Dakota. We need such a bank so that millions of dollars of tax money is no longer kept in private banks (such as Well Fargo and Bank of America) which earn millions of dollars in interest. Such a bill was introduced and voted upon in the Oregon legislature but the bill did not come to a vote or was not passed, I don't recall which.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Pastega
  • Its the Price Stupid !
    Sensible energy, economic and tax policy in the US will save $5 - $7 Trillion in energy cost over the next 10 years, creating 15 - 20 million new American Jobs, stimulated by domestic energy, economic and tax policy that incentivizes businesses to create better and more products and services at lower and lower prices.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carlton Buford
  • Do Not Support The Florida (un)Fair Foreclosure Act
    The obscenely misleading name of this proposed legislation is offensive. There is nothing "fair" about this legislation at all. It is a bailout for the banksters and legalizes their crimes and fraud. It strips away basic rights to be secure in one's home and allows banks to circumvent our court system and judges.
    1,286 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by matthew weidner
  • Let's call it the "Republican Recession"
    The financial breakdown happened on the Republican watch and because of Republican de-regulating policies. The Republicans in Congress purposely keep the recession raging so they can a) use a shock doctrine technique to collapse government regulation even more, b) blame President Obama and regain the Presidency, the Senate and c) reward their corporate backers and promoters from Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court to the Koch Brother and Murdoch oligarchies.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maggie Rheinstein
  • 535 Plan
    A jump start to begin to tackle our nation's debt crisis.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Vaupel
  • Tennyson Street Merchants compensation fund
    Since construction has begun on Tennyson St. for street improvements, businesses have been severely affected from a loss of 30 to 60%+ in profits. Some businesses have already been shuttered and several new businesses are in jeopardy. Existing businesses are seeing a large decrease in customer visits and many complaints heard are that it's difficult to find parking, there are street closures almost daily, and that they're not sure if businesses are open during this construction period.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Hendrick