A 2006 law requires the Postal Service to massively pre-fund the cost of future retiree health and pension benefits over the next 75 years in just 10 years time. This covers current employees, AND employees who have YET to be hired - and it is on top of the cost for benefits for current retirees. NO OTHER COMPANY OR AGENCY IN AMERICA IS REQUIRED TO PRE-FUND FUTURE RETIREE BENEFITS. Two audits have found a surplus of $50 to $75 billion in the portion of the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), which covers these requirements. The solution has been introduced as H.R. 1351, which would allow the USPS access to its own money, funds that are in excess of what they will ever need to pay for pensions, and offer a responsible way of dealing with its financial crisis. All this, and not costing any TAXPAYER DOLLARS. H.R. 1351 currently has 193 co-sponsors from both political parties. A different bill has been presented by Rep. Darrel Issa, the so-called Postal Reform Act, H.R.2309, which calls for cutbacks, layoffs, NO Saturday delivery, and would basically KILL the Postal Service. H.R. 2309 has a co-sponsorship of ONE. This bill needs to be stopped before it ever reaches a vote.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Boyd
  • Be a Rebuild the Dream "First Responder" for Arizona
    This summer thousands of Americans joined together to launch a movement to rebuild the American Dream. Here in Arizona, we have our work cut out for us. We have a legislature with skewed priorities. The sympathies of all but a few of our members of Congress lay with corporations, the Tea Party and the very wealthy. Our Governor and Attorney General are working to cut funds for health care and education while scapegoating immigrants, ethnic studies students and unions for our budget woes. But thanks to folks like you, heroes of armchair activism, we can spread the word and take a stand by organizing in our communities, towns, and cities to fight back against assaults on workers rights and civil rights and to push for jobs, not cuts in every corner of our state. Together, we have the opportunity to win on local campaigns and plant the seeds for long-term progressive change. Sign this petition to join a network of local activists committed to sharing information and spreading the word about actions and efforts that will help us to Rebuild the American Dream in Arizona!
    681 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Julie Jennings Patterson
  • Support Your Local Community Job Clubs
    Help job seekers and their families get over job search hurdles and get back to work. Support the middle class who are falling through the cracks because they do not qualify for assistance even while collecting unemployment. Families and whole communities are grieving over the loss of so many jobs that it takes each community to step up and take care of those living in your community. As part of living in your community everyone should have a place to go that can help with job search assistance, career management solutions and support for everyone in the family during difficult times. Local job clubs can and do provide those services, often for free and with no funding. Community Job Clubs can be the front door to connect local talent with local businesses and local businesses with local talent. The One Stop fits all doesn't work. Let's work together to get people back to work.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diana Miller
  • "2011 Fair Playing Field Act to protect All American Workers Against Age Discrimination"
    This petition is a crucial step in ending age discrimination in the work place . Addressing core age discrimination issues that drive serious cyclical age ,unemployment bias and unjust hiring practices against older workers. Importantly to convince the United States Congress that new legislation is vital and in the best interest of the American people and needed immediately.
    3,506 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Joan Freeman,Gray Matters Coalition
  • Individual Tax Directive Act
    The government is employed by the people and is to act in good stewardship. The Congress and Senate control the budget. Both houses are political institutions. Budget decisions are politically driven. Appropriations are often done without scientific or empirical evidence. Both houses and the White House represent the citizens and are to legislate on their behalf. Distortion in this representative model has evolved. It is again time for the individual citizens to provide guidance to their elected officials and stipulate how their tax dollars are directed and spent. By adding the "Individual Tax Directive" to every individual tax return filed, whether you are receiving a refund or paying taxes, will inform Congress and the White House how taxes are to be spent. How the elected officials in turn appropriate and vote on budget matters will inform the citizens to what extent their directives are followed. For example, if your preference is to solely fund Education programs, you will be able to direct Congress to use your taxes strictly for Education. You can drive that money even further to your community by specifying the specific programs to fund. Similarly, if you are keen on Health services, put your taxes there. Any combination of funding priorities will be possible via ITDA. Think of it as an investment portfolio. Signing this petition will be asking Congress to draw up the ITDA and make it law by 2014.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Settimi
  • Remove the cap for Social Security taxes.
    The maximum wage taxed for Social Security is $106,800. The easiest way to fix Social Security would be to eliminate this cap to bring in more revenue.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elinor A
  • TAKE BACK THE HOUSE IN 2012! Supports the re-election of President Barack Obama
    We urge every member of the Congressional Black Caucus to come together and actively support the re-election of President Barack Obama in 2012! This is not a time for divisiveness but unity, this is not a time for pointing fingers, but taking responsibility! The only option we have is to wake up on November 12th and know that President Obama was re-elected for four more years!
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dottery Washington
  • Level the Playing Field for New Mexico Businesses.
    New Mexico's tax code favors multi-state coporations over our local businesses. We are the last Western state with a corporate tax that allows multi state companies to shift profits earned in New Mexico to a state like Delaware which has no corporate tax. Requiring "unitary combined reporting" would level the playing field for New Mexico businesses and recoup lost revenues that are needed for our schools, healthcare and public safety.
    4,449 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by State Senator Peter Wirth
  • Forgive Student Loans
    Teachers who have served in Urban schools for more than five years ought to have their entire student loan forgiven.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Williams
  • Pass the American Jobs Act
    We need to unite as a nation and get America on the right track to recovery. Let's follow the example of the heroes from Utah who worked together for the common goal to save a life. They didn't stop to ask about affiliations, they just sprang into action. Imagine what we can accomplish by uniting as a nation and not as Democrats vs. Republicans. Let's get to work to save many lives and livelihoods.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary L. Turrin
    This petition is about saving a beloved American instituttion, an institution that pre-date the US Constitution from corporate greed and union busting
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Don Hill
  • Don't Compromise on the American Jobs Act
    The American Jobs Act that President Obama proposed at a recent speech in front of a joint session of congress, is vital to our economic well being. Please sign this petition to let your congressman and the President know we don't want petty bickering and frivolous compromise ruining any chance we have at helping millions of people find work.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oliver Revilo