Get Big Money Out Of PoliticsLimiting contributions to SuperPACS, Restricting Lobbyist access to elected officials.113 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Neil Burns
Hourly wages for Government OfficialsFor many years Government officials have been taking advantage of high pay; long, paid vacations; and pensions unlike that of anything anyone really has a right to. Sure they are in charge of running our country, but others out there are in charge of supporting and securing our country that do not get even a 1/3 of that of the government officials. It seems a bit of a cheat that while so many of our nation is loosing their jobs, houses and health the officials are not impacted by the same threat to income and foreclosure that the majority of the country are subjected to.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carly
Free and Equal Air TimeWe the people own the air waves and broadband spectrum. Private industry leases these from us to gain billions of dollars in profit each quarter. We have the right to require them to provide free and equal air time for all qualified candidates. This will provide an opportunity for more voices to be heard and will the reduce the influence of wealthy individuals and corporate elites.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave Miner
28th Amendment to the United States ConstitutionNo one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the U.S. Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay on retirement. While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full-pay retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles Harris
Congressional Pay ReformationReform congressional pay to tie compensation to total days worked, productivity and efficiency.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Reeves
Constitutional RepealRepeal of the obsolete and dysfunctional U. S. Constitution of 1789. Individual states operae autonomously or in their own regional groups pending a new Constitutional Convention that would fix the ambiguities and defects in the old document, upgrading it to contain rights taken for granted in to genuinely advanced nations (such as nation health care, no right to corrupt the political process under the guise of free speech, etc).2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Hancock
Take the BIG MONEY out of politicsI believe every American citizen has been affected by the abundant mega millions in running for President. It is embarrassing to think that some folks can spend $166 million campaigning for President at the time when there are not enough EBT cards to go around to feed the American people. Greed has become overtly and unabashedly out of control and to the detriment of the unemployed workers. They are the folks that need the help at this time. The $166 million dollars that was raised for Romney's campaign recently is comparable to "flying the fickled finger of fate" and waving it before a public stating "ah ha folks look what I just pulled off. It is even worse, when most people are having a hard time putting a full tank of gasoline into their cars, Romney is asking everyone to go to Colorado to vacation. How? With what? Is he chipping in the $166 million dollars (approximately) he raised for his personal Presidential campaign or returning jobs to the States in a heartbeat to make that happen for everybody? Where does he get off with such demeaning, obnoxious and just mean comments when he knows the state of our economy, the situation we are ALL in.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JoAnn Berryman Sincoff
Take the big money out of politicsI believe every American citizen has been affected by the abundant mega millions in running for President. It is embarrassing to think that some folks can spend $166 million campaigning for President at the time when there are not enough EBT cards to go around to feed the American people. Greed has become overtly and unabashedly out of control and to the detriment of the unemployed workers. They are the folks that need the help at this time. The $166 million dollars that was raised for Romney's campaign recently is comparable to "flying the fickled finger of fate" and waving it before a public stating "ah ha folks look what I just pulled off. It is even worse, when most people are having a hard time putting a full tank of gasoline into their cars, Romney is asking everyone to go to Colorado to vacation. How? With what? Is he chipping in the $166 million dollars (approximately) he raised for his personal Presidential campaign or returning jobs to the States in a heartbeat to make that happen for everybody? Where does he get off with such demeaning, obnoxious and just mean comments when he knows the state of our economy, the situation we are ALL in.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JoAnn Berryman Sincoff
Pay for perferomance!20% Pay cut for the President, Congress and House of Representatives effective Immediate. No more travel perks and pay 25% of their own medical! Both sides are guilty of playing politics with the economy and citizens of the United States!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wayne Emery
Stop all political advertisingIn order to return the country to the people, the effect of money in politics must be eliminated. It will not be possible to stop political contributions, but it would be possible to eliminate the need. Banning all forms of political advertising would make contributions unnecessary by eliminating the main source of campaign spending. Publically televised debates and interviews would replace camaign ads.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Whitlock
President Barak Obama Humanitarian actYes, My husband Fred Kelly is a retired veteran with a mortgage beyond our means The lender was a shark , We ask for a modification to America's Servicing Co who handle the mortgage thru Wells Fargo Bank and they have string us along without an answer for over 10 month threatening to foreclosure on our homestead after he served in the army and is 100% disable and much sickness and recently diagnose with prostate cancer and me with and enlarge heart.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pastor Pamela Kelly