Rename Reuben Ingold Park Earl Ofari Hutchinson ParkAt a time in American history when the names of those who propagated racist policies are being removed from parks, monuments, and public places and spaces being removed from public places and spaces in California and nationally, We call upon the L.A. County Board of Supervisors to honor a living civil rights icon Earl Ofari Hutchinson and his father's legacy as a fighter for open and fair housing by renaming Reuben Ingold Park Earl Ofari Hutchinson Park.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Angela Brazil Collins
Repeal the Comstock Act!The Comstock Act—if enforced—is a law that prohibits the mailing of contraceptives through the mail. If the GOP wins the presidency this November, Donald Trump could enforce this law, which is still on the books though it's long been unenforced—and therefore restrict access to medication abortion, as well as other contraceptives. That's right: It's a backdoor to an abortion ban—as well as an attack on birth control, which the right wing has its targets set on—and the Supreme Court is handing Donald Trump the key. Repeal the Comstock Act NOW! Stop anti-abortion extremists' efforts to push a nationwide medication abortion ban and to limit access to birth control and other reproductive health care.38,874 of 40,000 Signatures
Issue subpoenas for Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow!Democrats on the Senate Judiciary committee voted to subpoena Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow as part of an ongoing ethics probe into Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito … but then never issued the subpoenas. It’s been over two months. What’s the hold up? Around the initial vote, Republicans like Lindsey Graham and Josh Hawley promised messy, vendetta-filled retaliation if Democrats voted to subpoena their conservative allies. Leo is the chief architect of the right-wing Supreme Court and Harlan Crow is a billionaire GOP mega-donor and close friend of Clarence Thomas. Democrats must continue their SCOTUS ethics probe and issue the subpoenas for Leo and Crow. Leo and Crow’s shady involvement with SCOTUS and certain conservative justices has been heavily reported on, and must be officially investigated. A recent ProPublica expose revealed just how central Leo is to the right-wing’s domination of United States courts. From his post atop the conservative legal think tank The Federalist Society, Leo guided Supreme Court appointments under Bush Jr. and Trump, organized luxury trips for Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, oversaw well over $1.6 billion in funding for right-wing dark money groups, and much more. Then there’s Crow. Over more than two decades, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas reportedly accepted luxury trips virtually every year from GOP mega-donor, and billionaire Dallas businessman, Harlan Crow without disclosing them. Between the two of them, Leo’s injection of huge sums into our legal system has led directly to our current right-wing court that’s gutted our reproductive rights, decimated environmental protections, and more. And Crow’s involvement with Thomas raises extreme ethical concerns. Senate Democrats must continue their investigation into Supreme Court corruption and hold Leo and Crow accountable. Sign the petition to Senate Democrats: Issue the subpoenas for Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow. Investigate the extent of corruption on the Supreme Court!25,963 of 30,000 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress
Stop & Reject AIPAC's right-wing influence on political electionsIn 2022, progressive Democrat Andy Levin was ousted from his House seat, largely because of a whopping $4 million ad spend from AIPAC—all money spent directly attacking him and his campaign—partially because of his criticism of the actions of the Israeli government in the past. Let’s be clear that that’s the only line AIPAC will draw when it comes to where their support ends. The committee will happily support prominent pro-insurrectionists and election deniers who believe that Donald Trump is still the rightful President of the United States. And 4 million dollars was chump change compared to what they’re trying to spend this cycle to get rid of some of our most progressive members of Congress. AIPAC is expected to spend $100 MILLION—much of which comes from Trump donors—across its political entities in 2024, taking aim at candidates who have held the Israel government accountable for flouting international law and not prioritizing the humanitarian concerns of those in Gaza. AIPAC’s biggest targets are members of the Squad, progressive House members like Cori Bush, Pramila Jayapal, Jamaal Bowman, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib who have been openly pressuring the administration to call for a lasting, permanent ceasefire. It doesn’t stop with our most progressive champions and the Squad either, AIPAC’s ambitions are broader. United Democracy Project, the group’s super PAC, is monitoring 15 to 20 House races and polling in many of those districts, and it will likely continue to support anti-democratic, election-denying extremists again. This influx of money to oppose the strongest progressives in Congress and to support election deniers hurts our democracy! We have to call out and work to stop the large influence of corporate dark money within politics that actively discourages the participation of grassroots donors and suppresses the impact of moving our country forward on progressive issues. And in this moment we have to continue to support members of Congress who promote and support a ceasefire, and work to get us closer to a solution that protects Israeli and Palestinian civilians and stops endless, devastating violence. Sign the petition if you agree!446 of 500 Signatures
Accept John Oliver’s offer and get off the Supreme Court!Ever since his confirmation hearings more than 30 years ago, the public has questioned Thomas's ethics and behavior. His abuse of power, his conflicts of interest, and his secrecy about his financial and political ties make him unfit to serve. Back in 2000, Justice Thomas complained about his salary—at the time it was $173,000—and implied he might leave the Supreme Court. And that’s when the gifts started rolling in. 38 vacations 26 private jet flights 8 flights by helicopter 12 VIP passes to sport events Luxury vacations in Florida and Jamaica And that’s just what was undisclosed. The value of the gifts he has received from Harlan Crow—who paid for Thomas’ vacations, his mother’s house, and nephew’s tuition—and other mega donors over the years is in the millions. He even accepted a loan from a healthcare executive to purchase a luxury RV, and then had a significant portion of that loan forgiven. Meanwhile, Thomas ruled against student debt relief for everyday Americans. Thomas has abused his position—from refusing to recuse himself from cases regarding his wife's involvement in the attempt to overturn the 2020 election to crusading on behalf of his right-wing allies to overturn abortion access and so much more. But since he refuses to resign, and Congress lags on impeachment, the late night host John Oliver has found a third option. $1M annually if Thomas resigns from the Supreme Court and a $2.4M tour bus. Thomas has 30 days to accept the offer—as he has accepted countless other gifts from wealthy donors. Tell Thomas to accept John Oliver’s offer and step down from the Supreme Court!59,597 of 75,000 Signatures
No president should have "absolute immunity"!Donald Trump thinks he’s above the law and should not be held to the same standards as the rest of us. And that’s really because he’s trying to get out of his federal election subversion criminal trial before November’s election. His thinking is, if he can just make it through the election and win, he’ll get the chance to pardon himself. He must be stopped. Earlier this year, a D.C. circuit court ruled unanimously that Donald Trump does not have full, "absolute immunity" from ever being prosecuted for anything just because he was president. Now, he is asking the Supreme Court to block this decision, granting him immunity from prosecution. Last summer, special counsel Jack Smith charged Trump with four federal felonies for conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 election, leading up to and on January 6. He has claimed he should be fully immune from prosecution for the crimes he committed and is relying on the far-right, Trump-stacked court to save him. Trump will exhaust all options to avoid accountability for the crimes he’s committed. This is just his latest attempt, but if he’s successful, the consequences are grave. The Supreme Court should not play into Trump's tactics to postpone accountability and justice. Since they have decided to take Trump's appeal, they must rule against him, denying Trump full, absolute immunity.126,337 of 200,000 Signatures
Reverse Trump’s policy and Save Net NeutralityThe FCC’s current proposed rule is the best chance we’ve had to reinstate net neutrality since the Trump administration destroyed the regulations in 2017. But telecom lobbyists and their allies are hitting DC in an all-out effort to water down or block the recently proposed net neutrality rules. They’re even placing misleading, sensationalist op-eds in local papers across the country. While these lobbyists and their Republican allies want to characterize net neutrality as a “takeover” of the internet, the fact is that these protections act to keep broadband free and open for all, and out of the hands of Big Cable. Net neutrality remains hugely popular across the country. In October, Demand Progress joined with over 30 partner organizations to relaunch Battle for the Net, so people can tell the FCC and Congress why net neutrality is important to them. At the end of the comment period in January, over 100,000 activists had filed comments in support. That’s an incredible start, but now we need to pile on the pressure as the FCC prepares to finalize the rule! This is the best chance we’ve had at reversing the Trump administration’s disastrous policy and winning a free and open internet! Add your name: The FCC must save net neutrality now!1,017 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress
Pass the We the People Amendment and end corporate rule!On January 21, 2010, SCOTUS in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission expanded the constitutional doctrine that corporations are persons, widening their constitutional right to buy elections and run our government. Since that ruling, 14 states that previously banned corporate contributions had their laws overturned by the courts. And subsequent rulings, following the precedent of Citizens United, paved the way for the creation of Super PACs and unlimited corporate spending in politics, flooding our elections with dark money. Enough! Our democracy should reflect the will of the people, not greedy corporate entities. We can reverse Citizens United, end “corporate personhood,” and take our democracy back by introducing a new amendment to the U.S. Constitution: the We the People Amendment. “We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United and other related cases and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.” The majority of Americans, when asked if they believe corporations should have the same rights as people, believe the Constitution should be amended to state that corporations do not have constitutional rights. Add your name to demand that Congress pass the We the People Amendment NOW!21,607 of 25,000 Signatures
Rep. David Trone says "Who cares about that little cemetery?" We Do and We Vote!Why was Congressman Trone so dismissive, insulting and ignorant in his interaction with Dr. Marsha Adebayo at a recent MLK event. She asked to talk to him about the Bethesda Road Moses African Cemetery and efforts to reclaim the land to memorialize the lives of enslaved and post-emancipated African Community. Instead of engaging, he dismissed her with a wave of his hand and a turn of his back saying" who cares about that little cemetery?" I care about that "little Cemetery," and I don't care to have a person with David Trone's historical ignorance and dismissiveness towards African American struggles influencing our community. The people in the "little cemetery were human beings and they deserve respect. Most of those buried in the "little" cemetery were children who were kidnapped, raped, murdered and worked to death in Bethesda, Maryland. Why are we still debating whether Black Lives Matter? We need the community to speak out against Congressman Trone's statement. David Mott - retired union organizer, Poor People's Campaign, Montgomery County Contact: bethesdaafricancemeterycoalition.net476 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Marsha Adebayo
Grant DACA Recipients CitizenshipBusinesses, healthcare providers, non-profit organizations, and local government jobs may encounter workforce disruptions and challenges in maintaining missions when DACA recipients face delays in renewals. This can impact productivity, economic growth, and the provision of essential public services.269 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jony Castillo
Convert empty offices into affordable housing for the homelessThese vulnerable citizens - the homeless - are our brothers, sisters, cousins and more. How we treat them is a reflection of who we are. How can anyone stand by and do nothing? More, if you want to see this growing population shrink. If you want the tent towns and dilapidated vehicles to go away...these people need somewhere to go. Providing permanent housing will reduce the 'unsightly' camps. More, it has been proven in multiple countries around the world that giving someone a permanent roof over their heads often leads to a reduction in addictive behaviors, increase in capable workers joining the work force and a return to a healthier lifestyle. If you want to fix the problem of homelessness, then provide homes. And the support needed to keep them under their own roofs.381 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Kirsten Locke
MT Police & Courts need to know the laws as wellThe only way a change can happen is if we speak up and hold them accountable for what they continue to get away with.. It's our turn to make the change for our future as well as our children's future 🙏94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Strausie Hart