AWARD FOR SKI MASK RAPISTI know some one who orginially turned in this Brooks man for the bank robberies in the 80's and received a reward. She still has the check stub to prove it. Because of her efforts to be a good citizen and report what she knew he was captured and his DNA went in the system. When this cold case was re-opened on the Ski Mask Rapist they ran DNA's and found a match(HIS). With out a doubt if she hadn't of been a good citizen and stepped forward they would of never had his DNA and this case would still be un solved. I feel we should back her in YES she should receive the reward that was orginally offered in this case.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by diane
CIVILIAN POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY COUNCILMy son Flint Farmer was gunned down and killed by a Chicago Police Officer while he was lying on his stomach. This officer of the law has still not been arrested, and it's been over a year. Also, this incident was caught on video by the officer's own police car dash cam. And in the police report, the police ruled this as a justifiable homocide. We need someone other than the police to police the police!345 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Emmett Farmer
Stop Jerry Sandusky's paychecks!!!Jerry Sandusky will still be receiving his salary of $59,000.00 a year while in jail.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by J. Burke
Try Bank of America as corporate CriminalsBank of America and Many other Banks prevented certian people from refinancing or modifying there mortgages in 2007 when the Economy dumped, due to the irresponsible and Criminal Acts of Certain Large Banks. Instead they took our Bad Notes and Mortgages, which they Knew were BAD.. and sold them and sold them and made Billions of dollars off of us!8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Norma Marino-Baca
Free Randy LanierRandy is in prison for life with no chance of parole for a first time non-violent offense. He smuggled marijuana on a large scale and is no angel, but he has been in prison for 23 years and has paid his debt to society. Even Charles Manson gets a parole hearing ! It's an outrage.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Judy Salerno
Stop the criminalization of Americans with severe psychiatric illnesses.My friend's son is currently incarcerated at Bucks County Correctional Facility in Doylestown, PA... At the time he was arrested his mother told the police officer that her son was recently tapered off his medicine by his doctor and he was delusional. He arrested him anyway! While he was under the care of BCCF, her son hit several staff people, and now he is being punished for his behavior that was illness-related. HE SHOULD NOT BE IN JAIL!30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Serene Dunston-Carr
Repeal MEGAN's LawAmerican Justice demands second chances. Persons convicted of sex offenses, who have served their time have a lower recidivism rate than almost any other criminal. We expect those who have served their time to reform and become productive citizens. At the same time, without any evidence in support, lawmakers created an impossible set of rules that server to make it almost impossible for these people to become productive citizens again. The only persons who really should know where former offenders live are law enforcement persons, not the general public. FBI statistics show that a person released for other types of offenses is MORE LIKELY to commit a sex offense than are former sex offenders. These laws punish the entire family of a former offender, often forcing those families to evict their own sons or daughters or lose their homes. Former offenders cannot find suitable homes or jobs. Many become homeless with no address to report. Vigilantes have used registries to harass, fire bomb, vandalize and even murder former offenders. In a few cases innocent persons have been mistaken for someone on registries and murdered. Persons have been branded for life this way because they had sex with their own girlfriends who happened to be under 18 at the time...even for public urination !1,313 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by CURE Florida
PLEASE HELP PROTECT OUR CHILDREN FROM PREDITORS.Petitioning for tougher and faster punishments for child molesters with clear physical and DNA evidence would deter a lot these criminals. If they know their trials would faster with much stiffer penalties it could save many more children over time for being prayed upon.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Teasua Wakefield
Jerry Sandusky getting $59,000 annual pension in prisonJerry Sandsuky will be getting $59,000 annually from penn state and at tax payers expense your hard earned tax dollars are going to him, despite being a pedophile and having 45 charges of child sex abuse. This is not justice he does not deserve any of it, he's a sick criminal who took the innocence of young children and should do nothing but be fed bread and water. This is so so wrong we need to stop this it breaks my heart I just don't believe in the justice system anymore please give me faith that there is still justice in this world don't let this horrible man win. If it was your child who had this happen to woulnd't you wanna do something? Even if they are not your child just imagine the emotional scars he left on these poor kids.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robb
Stiffer Penalties for Killing MotorcyclistsI believe that there should be jail sentences and larger fines for individuals that hit and kill motorcyclists. I also believe that these laws should be nationwide.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marcy Medley
Stiffer Penalties for Killing MotorcyclistsI beleive that there should be jail sentences and larger fines for individuals that hit and kill motorcyclists. I also believe that these laws should be nationwide.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marcy Medley
Chicago Deaths in 2012 outpace Soldier deaths in AfghanistanThis petition is to call in President Obama and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, former cabinet member of President Obama to do Something to quell the violence in America's 3rd largest city. This isn't a problem in Africa, Asia or some distant place in the world, this is in our own Country! There have been 254 murders in Chicago to date and 154 soldiers killed in Afghanistan since the beginning of 2012. Something needs to be done. The President calls Chicago his Hometown and Rahm Emanuel is the mayor of Chicago. Can we not put some federal resources in place to help the citizens of Chicago?32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brandon Molina