• The American Plant Act ; ACT of Congress
    Prison reform; drug enforcement policy reform; federal budgets; state budgets; medical fairness; medical savings, all relate to criminal justice and branch into other areas of freedom and future taxation.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Masterson
  • Lisas Law
    A friend of mine who was my older sisters best friend back in high school was recently murdered and pregnant. It has been ruled as a homocide but they have decided to disregard the fact that she was pregnant. Lisa was the most amazing and beautiful person anyone ever knew. Please sign this in order for not only lisa but justice for the fact that they dont count murder on the baby to.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kinsley heckart
    On November 18, 2009, our son Faran Khan, was beaten and viciously stabbed with a tire iron by three men causing his death while playing at a park. Only “one” of the three men has even been charged with “any offense”. And the one charged was released after an ineffective prosecution.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Agha Khan
  • Honor Status in Kentucky Prisons
    Kentucky's prisons are full and costing taxpayers an enormous amount of money. One of the ways of rehabilitating inmates and improving the rates of successful transition from inmate to productive citizen is good programs within the prison. The Night Visit Program is a special incentive program designed to promote positive behavior and strengthen social ties. The program allows for participation by Honor Dormitory, Firehouse, and any inmate meeting the criteria for honor housing.The visits are in the visiting area from 6:30 to 8:30 on Fridays. These visits have been ended at Kentucky State Reformatory.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Mitchell
  • Abolition of Assault Weapons
    The purpose of this petition is to urge Congress to ban assault weapons in the United States except for law enforcement and the military. It is the intent of this petition to reduce the level of violence in our society and to prevent future mass killings of the kind we saw in Tuscon, at Virginia Tech, and at Columbine High School. No law abiding citizen, including hunters and sportsmen, need to possess "weapons of war" capable of firing dozens of rounds of ammunition in a matter of seconds.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darryl Cherness
  • Honoring Susan Butcher
    This petition is in efforts to find enough resident Alaskans interested in a rename of the Ted Stevens International Airport terminal, to be changed in Honor of Susan Butcher, as the "Susan Butcher International Airport".
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Spam MaGee
  • Cell phone use in movie theaters should be illegal
    Enough is enough. The use of cell phones during movies is disrespectful and rude. It is corroding public life. New York should lead the way in banning cell phone use during movies.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Allyn
  • Stop Murder Cover Up by James Backstrom, Dakota County, MN
    Stop Murder Cover Up by James Backstrom, regarding the 1986 murder of Jane Duchene, by physician ordered withdrawal of two thirds of insulin to help associates claim the dead woman's money, so she would pre-decease her brother (whose son was a pathologist) and who had suddenly become ill with pancreatic cancer and was due to pre-decease Jane Duchene. She had to die first for fiscal reasons.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diabetics/Disabled Anonymous
  • Justices Service Limit
    Justices serve in the Supreme Court for life. I think this should be change to serve for a maximum of 10 years, on which the President, would elect another justice. I think this will create a more balanced Justice system, and stop the abuses from those judges, that are not for the service of the people.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose Miranda
  • Impeach Clarence Thomas
    Clarence Thomas has broken the laws over and over again and lied under oath in his confirmation hearings! He is a disgrace to America. He has taken payments through his wife from entities or individuals on cases he has ruled on! He is a disgrace to all of America!
    191 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Marc Levy
  • Appoint a neutral outside agency to oversee Internal Affairs Investigations of Police Officers
    We need an agency to review reported misconduct brought to the attention of local Internal Affairs Officers. Unfortunately, the officer who reviews and investigates these complaints tend to be coworkers and this either needs to change or oversite is needed to ensure citizens complaints are not just being written off.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Johnny Chaney
  • Bush / Cheney War Crimes
    I would like to petition both the local,state, and federal government to compel an investigation into war crimes by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. To compel our government to act responsibly and to show we will not allow anyone whether it be our own government representatives to feel they can act with immunity and trample over the rights of law abiding citizens in ANY country.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard L. Respler