Cut John Boehner's SalaryJohn Boehner is proving he is not working for his constituents, consequences must be imposed upon him.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Patton
Ban the Sale of Guns Sold at Gun ShowsThe tragedy in Newton began the necessary discussion of guns in this country. Background checks are currently one of the most effective tools we have when it comes to the sale of guns to people who are deemed responsible gun owners.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ann Buran
NFL Players... Drop Your Guns3 out of 4 NFL players own guns according to USA Today... Given where we are and the fact that they are role models for our young... They need to step up and make a difference now. They must turn in their guns and stand with the parents of the kids who were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Okan Anter
AMC-Christmas Day Movie LineupAMC and Christmas Day Violent Cowboy Movie Lineup4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sandy Arroyo
PeaceNot to physically or mentally harm my fellow man woman or child.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vincent Lawson
Child support shouldn't stop because of non custodial parent isn't workingI have been a single mother since my son was 1 years old. When I went through my divorce I was juggling two jobs to make ends meet. My son's father hasn't held a job no more than 4 months inorder for him to recieve his unemployment and when that runs out he gets a job and then looses it around the same amount of months and this has been going on for years. Due to him loosing his job the courts will either lower his payment to 50 dollars or he doesn't have to pay until he finds a job. If you have a child the non custodial parent should be financially responsible for that child till the child is at the age of 18. It shouldn't become the Custodial Parent to be fully responsible if they didn't make the child by him/her self. Please sign this petition to help Custodial Parents get the support they need for their children.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by serina
Eric Swalwell: Join the Progressive CaucusEric Swalwell has a history of supporting developers, and he received large sums of money from real estate firms, builders, law firms, contractors and other businesses for his campaign for Congress. His campaign literature in 2012 said, "we need government and business on the same page," which is Republican-speak for "government needs to let business do whatever business wants to do"--in other words, unregulated capitalism, which is what threw us into the Great Recession, from which we're still recovering. Some of us--even some who strongly supported Swalwell in the election--are concerned that now that he's elected, he'll turn into a conservative, Blue-Dog Democrat, often voting with the Regressives rather than the Progressives.57 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frank Burton
Bringing God back into our schools,and communitiesOur country continues to witness horrific crimes of violence.The unthinkable is now our reality.How much more has to happen before people realize God should have never been taken out of our communities and schools? Since God has been taken out of our schools,and communities,school crimes and shootings not only began,but increased.Communities don't feel as safe,and senseless events occur more than ever.How many more lives must be taken? How many more crimes must be committed before the realization becomes clear.WE NEED GOD BACK IN OUR SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES! Please sign and help rid the world of evil with the power of God.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stefanie Giacalone
To Reduce the Deficit, Cut all military spending.Do not cut Social Security. Cut military spending and bring all of our troops home from every part of the world.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Annie Davis
Legislation to regulate the sale and possession of baseball batsSince baseball bats are used in more murders than guns are, and seeing all the support for gun control, it is high time we make legislation to control and regulate the sale of baseball bats. We seek to mandate training and intrusive background checks before anyone is allowed to purchase or possess a baseball bat.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nathan W
Maintenance of Handgunsif handguns are owned for target practice, I think they should be maintained in at the range and not allowed out. You pay to locker your gun and can only receive it under supervision.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Carney
Back Obama in Tapping Chuck Hagel for Secretary of DefensePresident Obama wants to nominate Senator Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense. Hagel wants to end the war in Afghanistan, prevent war with Iran, and make reasonable cuts to the Pentagon budget. Some right-wing groups are trying to scuttle the nomination by making up lies about Hagel's record. Show President Obama you have his back in nominating his first choice, Chuck Hagel, by signing this petition.3,433 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Robert Naiman