Veto:"End to Pay" EquityDemand Walker veto the backwards bill that ends equal pay for equal work.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julie Grimme
Protect the right to voteGovernor Bev Perdue vetoed the voter ID law passed by the Republican legislators in 2011. We know they are trying to overturn her veto in 2012. Don't let in happen. Protect every citizen's constitutional right to vote.503 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Pearl Rapley Lawrence
Governor Haley of South Carolina do your job .Governor Haley you was elected to work for the people of South Carolina. You was not put in there to take our rights away. And spend our tax dollars that we do not have.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joan Upchurch
Board of Education to ensure training REQUIRED of personnel working with Children with AutismStudents with autism spectrum disorders; training required of personnel. Requires each school board to ensure that aides assigned to work with a teacher who has primary oversight of students with autism spectrum disorder demonstrate competency in student behavioral management within 60 days of assignment to such responsibility. The bill also requires the Board of Education to provide standards that school divisions may use to establish a measure for the demonstration of competency in student behavioral management.130 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Amy Trail
Stop the Assault on Workers and the PoorThe Missouri Legislature, with backing from billionaires, has been proposing anti worker legislation and so called reforms that are detrimental to workers and the poor. The proposed changes to our tax structure, workers compensation, Medicaid, and workers rights will drag this states economy down like it has in Mississippi, Alabama and all the other states who've been made more "business friendly" and poorer!!!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Justice
Stop Oil Speculators from inflating gas pricesGas prices most places are pushing $4 a gallon - again. And news reports say it could be $5 or more by summertime. That’s outrageous – and unjustified. I think Congress should pass legislation that aims to drastically limit the ability of speculators to artificially drive up energy prices. If this bill passes, there would be the first-ever limits on how much of the oil market speculators can control. The chief cosponsor of my bill is Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV). Plain and simple: this legislation says no single investor could hold more than 5 percent of the oil futures market, thereby greatly reducing speculators ability to manipulate prices. See the bill at http://email.capitolhillnewsonline.com/q/nncAMtDkxkUBk3apm0PdgX5Dx2CwvaXFvmTLRh7nSCNC18qGD_ERkedqf1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Will Goodwin
NO to HR4646 ,or ,NIX-46.This bill has been drafted by a democrat congressman from PA. Its a bill that will levy a 1%tax [they'll probably call it a "User Fee"] on all bank transactions. That means when you put Your money in or when you take Your money out you'll pay 1% of the total deposit or withdrawl to do just that . Even direct deposits like your social security check {which by the way as of jan. 1, 2012 the law now states that all SS checks are to be recieved via direct deposits, how convinent for them}will be subject.If you are lucky enough to get a check for say for 1000.00 thats ten bucks when it goes in your acct. and ten bucks eventually if it comes out of your acct Thats a 20 dollar bill folks on top of having to pay tax on your Social Security income . c'mon UNCLE sam.AND if you move money from your savings to your checking.{if your one of the few americans lucky enough to have a savings acct.} same thing 1% tax on that transaction.Think 1% aw thats not much ,just think how many checks you deposit from individuals , one at a time then add that all up with your deposits and withdrawls and the money you move from acct to acct And say you want to give Junior 500 bucks for gass money at college if you withdraw that and put it in an envelope as 5 hundred dollar bills for his birthday ,,,you guessed it ,,gonna cost you Five bucks to do it. This Bill may not be widely heard of yet ,as the admistration may want to keep this under the radar before the elections. But we need to start fighting this now so we 're not caught asleep at the wheel when they try to sneak this by us And I must say after hearing the president say No New Taxes on any one making under 250.000.00 a yr. I'm greatly disturbed by this information. Help us all and tell congress and the president NIX46 [ vote NO on HR 4646]3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by richard faust
STOP FRAUDULENT FORECLOSURES - SUPPORT HB2705HB2705 is intended to repeal or amend the language in HRS §490:3-301 "A person may be a person entitled to enforce the instrument even though the person is not the owner of the instrument or is in wrongful possession of the instrument." The verbiage was added in 1990 at the request of the financial industry under the guise of curbing check fraud. The language is outdated and more recently abused in the foreclosure process by eliminating the need to be the rightful holder of a mortgage loan in wrongful foreclosures, creating the opportunity to commit fraud. The language needs to be repealed or amended to protect consumers.125 of 200 SignaturesCreated by DeadlyClear
The Governor Wisconsin Needs Is Peter BarcaThose of us who have participated in this great Wisconsin movement that sprang up last winter have been looking for a candidate that we could rally behind; one who combines the spirit of an activist with a sharp political acumen; one who is willing to fight for not only us, but for ALL Wisconsinites. Wisconsin doesn't need a figure head or opportunist to challenge Scott Walker—Wisconsin needs a fighter. You have embodied that fighter mentality. You understand that if we keep putting the ACTUAL TRUTH from the front lines of the Capitol out where everyone can see it, we can win.230 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Ryan Wherley
Save our Soccer Complex!Fifteen years ago, the city leased a former junkyard and a cornfield to a non-profit soccer club called the Coulee Region United Soccer Association. CRUSA has spent those fifteen years building that 50 acre site into one of the premier soccer complexes in the Midwest, at NO COST to the city. It has benefited the entire community and surrounding area, and has been managed for the greater good of all and shared generously with all who love soccer. And now some people in the City of La Crosse government want to take it away and run it for profit.412 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Bill Motzel
Stop Illegal Foreclosures in Washington County, UtahLiberty is founded on property rights. There is strength in numbers.75 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen Baltazar
Claudia says: "They are coming for you next"!The illegal corporations and the courts are one and the same. We the little people have to fight them both at the same time. Example, for six years; although, the statuate has expired barred by latches both the court and the corps have ignored and acted as if it's not so.104 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Claudia Wiltbank-Johnson