• Support State Rep. Antonio Parkinson in making sure "VIOLENT RAPISTS" serve 100% of their PRISON ...
    This legislation is motivated by Kimberlee Morton's story. Please click on or copy the link below and paste in into your url to view her story: http://www.myfoxmemphis.com/dpp/news/local/rape-victim-fights-for-stiffer-penalties-rpt-20111103 Currently in the State of Tennessee violent rapists or those convicted of aggravated rape can and are being released "early" for good behavior. This can reduce the violent felon's sentence by years thus returning them to society. Now, the question becomes; if they can display good behavior inside of the penal system, why wasn't that same behavior displayed while they were in society prior to their convictions? This is not only "an insult" but a "horriffic offense" to the mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, aunts and other women in our communities. There is a possibility that this legislation will carry a fiscal note (need money to finance). Some legislators will try to move this bill behind the budget, thus making it harder to get passed. However, can we really put a cost on the safety and well being of the women and children in our lives. Let's create momentum for legislation that will make criminals think twice about their actions. We can do this by putting pressure on the Tennessee House, Senate and Governor's office to protect our women and children by passing this bill!
    645 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Antonio Parkinson
  • Tell the FDA to label genetically engineered foods!
    Genetically engineered foods are appearing on supermarket shelves with increasing frequency. While the scientific debate about the benefits and risks of genetically engineered crops is vigorous and unlikely to reach a consensus anytime soon, you have a right to know what you are eating now. Stand with EWG and the Just Label It campaign today and sign our petition to the FDA demanding that genetically engineered foods are labeled!
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Cook
  • Goodbye
    Thanks everyone for making my time at SignOn/MoveOn a rewarding and gratifying experience. Helping SignOn grow from virtually nothing, into a platform that empowers members and makes change has been extremely satisfying. A special shout-out to Anna and her leadership. I don’t plan on straying too far from the progressive online world but my first challenge will be to help Ilya win his primary. You should come help for a couple of days!
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Quinn
  • Excesses in government pay
    Excesses in government spending could easily start in their own back yards. Paying legislators huge sums for life is not only not a financially sound policy, it is immoral.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cheri Groesbeck
  • Women of America: Boycott Pink Ribbon Products
    The Susan G. Komen corporation has turned its back on millions of poor American women who depend on Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screenings. Until the board of directors reverses the decision to eliminate its support for Planned Parenthood, we will boycott all products with the Susan G. Koman logo.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy S Eichelberger
  • Oppose House Bill 1367 (Now in Senate)
    This bill creates a 'new' center (removing Outreach from Indiana School for the Deaf) that has no clear educational or fiscal accountability. The bill will increase government control and fiscal burden on the state's budget. Deaf people have had little to no voice in this bill and it is currently being rushed with no consideration of long term impacts from this bill if signed by Governor Daniels.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joanna Witulski
  • Ask Ohio Legislature to Nullify NDAA
    On January 31, Obama signed the NDAA into law. This is a very dangerous piece of legislation that allows for the indefinite detention (without trial) of American citizens. Who can be detained? According to the NDAA, anyone who has"committed a belligerent act [against the United States] or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.” This language is so vague that it can include those American who are just exercising their constitutional rights of free speech and right of lawful assembly. This is a blatant violation of our Bill of Rights. But we can stop it. The Constitution of the United States gives states the right to nullify bills like this. But we must hurry. The law goes into effect on March 3.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Mattice
  • Democracy for America
    America has become increasingly less democratic as corporate interests, Party interests, and other special interests have dominated the political arena and alienated voters. What this country needs is a National Initiative and Referendum process, to increase the power of citizens/voters and bring democracy to America.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phil M
  • Occupy APPLE
    Apple stock is the highest it has ever been. At the same time workers in China work in the worst conditions and suicide is becoming a common practice for workers with no life. It is time for Apple users and Apple stock holders to speak OUT. Let Apple know you want them to bring jobs home where workers are protected. Apple brings over 7000 jobs to China. We need those jobs home. Time for Apple to be loyal to the country that started their business.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C. Rosenthal
  • Susan G Komen, Don't Cave to Extremists: Restore Your Relationship With Planned Parenthood
    Rep. Bob Dold’s rightwing Republicans are again plotting to defund Planned Parenthood and take away women’s right to health care— but if we take action now we may be able to stop the latest attack. Susan G. Komen for a Cure, a leader in the fight against breast cancer, has caved to pressure from militant anti-choice Republicans, led by Rep. Cliff Stearns, and blocked funding for Planned Parenthoods’ program for breast cancer screenings . As Planned Parenthood is one of the largest health providers for women in the nation, this is a huge blow. We have to stand up and fiercely defend Planned Parenthood — we can’t let anti-woman extremists in Congress decide who gets vital reproductive health care services and who doesn’t.
    3,193 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Ilya Sheyman
    Senator Stacey Campfield asked Del Shores for $1000 to debate him against his "Don't Say Gay Bill". This request violated a statute within the jurisdiction of the State Ethics Commission. After five months of investigation, it is time that Tennessee Attorney General's Office make that determination so The State Ethics Commission can file formal charges against Campfield.
    1,239 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Del Shores
  • Reform Benefits for Elected US Officials
    For decades, US national leaders have failed to solve the so-called impending crisis in Social Security and Medicare. This petition calls on Congress to pass and the President to sign a bill that will motivate them to find the solution by making Social Security and Medicare the sole retirement and healthcare benefits for all elected and appointed federal officials.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Whiteside