• Jon Stewart for President...ial Debate Moderator!
    As the Republican debates have shown, normal debate moderators are either unwilling or incapable of holding the candidates' feet to the fire. We need someone with the intelligence, education, and the wit to prevent candidates from evading questions or answering with meaningless talking points. Jon Stewart is that man.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Loh
  • TN Dept. of Health MASSAGE THERAPY
    House bill 2387, sponsored by Representative McCormick, would change the administrative department overseeing the massage regulatory program. On page 5 of the bill, Sections 11 and 12 would relocate Title 63-18, which is the Massage Licensure Act of 1995, from the Department of Health Related Boards (DHRB) to the Department of Commerce and Insurance (TDCI). The Department of Health Related Boards currently oversees all health professions while the Department of Commerce and Insurance oversees other professional licensing programs such as: electricians, plumbers, and real estate agents. Massage therapy is a health profession. The current administrative oversight of DHRB has worked since the state first began licensing massage therapists; there is no reason to change what is working. The massage licensure board is self-funded from licensure fees so the proposed move would not save tax dollars, streamline state government, or reduce duplication of efforts. In fact, a change in administrative oversight would require an application and process shift to conform to a new department. There has been no reason given as to why the sponsors of this bill feel an oversight change is even needed. TN Massage Therapists are opposed to these sections of HB 2387 and encourages members to contact the sponsor of the bill and their own state representatives and tell them you are opposed to Sections 11 and 12 of HB 2387. Contact them by email or phone or both. The sponsor of HB 2387 is Representative Gerald McCormick, he can be reached at 615-741-2548 or [email protected] The same bill on the Senate side of the General Assembly is SB 2249, sponsored by Senator Norris and Senator Bell. Senator Mark Norris, [email protected] or 615-741-1967 Senator Mike Bell, [email protected] or 615-741-1946 Find your state legislator by going to http://www.capitol.tn.gov/legislators/
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nathan McCarter, LMT
  • Free Ride Home
    We need an alternative for our cats and dogs
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Penton
  • Stricter Laws Against Dead Beat Parents
    The laws in the State of New Jersey are not strict enough against parents (mothers/fathers) that fail to provide proper financial support.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicole
  • Demand that State Rep. of Tennessee Richard Floyd Resign
    State Rep. Richard Floyd threatened to "stomp a mudhole" into any transgender woman who uses a public restroom in Tennessee. "Stomp a mudhole," according to Urban Dictionary, means "To tear someone a new ass, to beat them to near death or to otherwise hurt someone to the point that they can not fight back." We cannot tolerate such hate! Here is a link of an article to give you more information: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-daniel-snyder/richard-floyd-transgender_b_1216713.html
    7,844 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Constance Mandeville
  • Organ Donations
    My sister who fell down steps was declared brain dead.. She never wanted to be an organ donor but her son went ahead and donated her organs. I read up somewhat afterwards on brain dead and it said you do not have a gag reflex.. well my sister had a gag reflex as they placed the tube down her throat.I believe for people who wish to donate their organs is all well and good but if they do not have it in writing then organs should not be taken procument of orgaa
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hope Lundquist
  • Wall Street Investigation and Monies for Nebraska
    We want our Attorney General to join with the Attorney General of NY, Eric Schneiderman, in the investigation of Wall Street Banks and to prosecute those that were responsible for our current economic condition. We ask him and our Senators to make sure those, in Nebraska, who suffered loss due to fraudulent practices, get a fair share of money or receive help in renegotiating their mortgage.
    263 of 300 Signatures
    Created by jo feller
  • Ask Walmart to Carry more American Made Products
    Instead of Walmart demanding that companies produce products cheaper in China, they should demand that American companies produce them as cheap as they can in America. So please sign this petition.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shawn Cronk
  • Demand Real Wall Street Accountability
    President Obama's administration has abjectly failed to prosecute the top Wall Street and bailed-out bankers who devastated our economy with fraud. Now he's claiming to get tough with a new prosecution unit, but it's got the same failed leadership. We need President Obama to get real about prosecuting the people who wrecked our economy.
    404 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Abigail Caplovitz Field
  • I want to save my home!
    The banks robo-signed my adjustable rate loan and when I became disabled, they didn't want to give me a loan modification that I could afford, rather, they want to foreclose.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanine Mercer
  • Blizzcon 2012
    One of the greatest gaming conventions of the year has been canceled. Sign the petition now to reinstate Blizzcon 2012!
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Thomas
  • National Sabbatical Plan
    America has more people wanting work than it has jobs, thanks in part to automation. Let's take up the slack by giving workers a sabbatical. I suggest a flexible system so people could choose when to redeem their sabbatical credits. The length of the credits would depend on the ratio of workforce to jobs and the sabbatical pay rate would depend on the economy and the individual's reported income taxes; unemployment insurance would be renamed a sabbatical tax. Turn unemployment into something that is earned instead of spurned. Let young workers work before they get to take a break. Almost every business or institution already offers vacations to their workers; simply expand the concept. See the following for more details: http://shareliterature.com/shareliterature.com/Replace_Unemployment.html
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Martin Ramsay