Stop government welfare to CongressTaxpayers are paying millions in pensions & family insurance to one time congress members. We need to change it to match the public sector's benefits. Members of congress should pay health insurance for their spouse & children. Members of congress should receive no pensions until they have served for twenty years. If they serve for ten years they could receive a pro rated pension unless they are convicted of a felony or forced to resign due to scandal.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ginger Armstrong
PUBLIC FUNDED ELECTIONSAt the heart of all of our problems as a nation is that we want a government that is truly BY the PEOPLE, FOR the PEOPLE but instead we are suffering from an institution that is being crippled by private / special interest groups. We the people need to take special interest money out of politics and make it illegal to accept private money, bribes or favors from lobbyists.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Barone
Ban Systemic Pesticide use in the U.S.A.A systemic pesticide moves inside a plant following absorption by the plant. With insecticides and most fungicides, this movement is usually upward (through the xylem) and outward. Increased efficiency may be a result. Systemic insecticides, which poison pollen and nectar in the flowers, may kill bees and other needed pollinators. In 2007 with the use of Bayer's systemic pesticides, as occurred in France 10 years prior, over one billion honey bees were killed within a one year period prompting the California Almond crisis. Since this time, the French minister of agriculture has banned the use of systemic pesticides in France. We will have no more fruits and vegetables in the US if we continue the use of systemic pesticides because all the native bees will be killed except for a small number. What happens to a human DNA when system pesticides, that cannot be washed off produce, is ingested in our bodies? When our bees die in multitude, isn't that a serious omen? Please pass legislation to ban system pesticide use NOW!2,122 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Jessica Stone Baker
obey our constitutionGetting governments to obey their oath to obey our constitution. This ignoring of our supreme law has led to inflation, unemployment, corruption, usurpation, tyranny, excess regulations, rules, codes, acts, orders, mandates, laws, restrictions, high taxes, low representation and loss of freedom.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by john franks
Eliminate Special Priviliges Congress Has Given ItselfCongress has passed laws that provide it special privileges. Congress should not be treated differently than the public. They should have a retirement plan the same as federal or state workers.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gerard Roy
Make College 100% Tax-DeductibleHaving an educated population strengthens our economy from within, but, so many of us can't afford a college education or, once we've gotten one, can't afford to both maintain a household and make student loan payments. Many people derive no significant benefit (or none at all) from the current tax regulations because, in order to be able to afford to make loan payments and also make a living (especially in urban areas where 79% of the country lives), we can exceed the income threshold specified in the tax regulations, and lose the benefit entirely. Let's acknowledge as a nation that education, just like office supplies and fuel for our cars, is a real business expense, and allow everyone who is either attending college or repaying their student loans to take 100% of their payments as a tax deduction.507 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Kate Svoboda-Spanbock
zoning variance at 1121 South 48th Streetour school has been working very hard over the last year to secure a school space of our own. After months of searching, we found a building that exceeds many of the needs that our membership identified: lots of light, high ceilings, large outdoor space, sufficient square footage, within walking distance, adaptability to meet fire code, adaptability to meet the ADA requirements and have the residential quality that we have come to value through our time on Baltimore Avenue. What this building is missing, however, is the proper zoning classification for our use. Even though we do not feel like a commercial operation, the city classifies any group of children greater than 7 to be a "commercial day care center" thus requiring "C" zoning.136 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Vinicio Guevara
Support Sonoma Marin Area Rail TransitCritics of the SMART Train and Pathway want to stop the project before it begins upgrading the track to carry 80-MPH passenger trains. The SMART board will meet again on November 16th, and needs to see the wide and deep support for this project. -- How would you benefit from lower travel costs, less traffic frustration, and a less stressful commute? -- Why do you value more balanced transportation options? -- Do you favor cleaning up the air and reducing greenhouse gas emissions?5,283 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Steve Birdlebough
Stop the Fraud in the So-Called "Speed Enforcement Program"Law abiding, speed limit driving, citizens in Prince George's County MD are being falsely accused of speeding. A District Court Judge has refused to consider the citation photos as a defense. The law is being ignored in favor of Optotraffic's corporate statements. TA21-809 considers the citation images as "evidence" of speeding. The District Court should allow said evidence in court!73 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Will Foreman
PASS THE JOBS BILLPresident Obama is offering a bill to put people back to work and to save jobs. To help pay for the bill, millionaires will have their taxes raised slightly. Congress should pass this bill without delay for the sake of the country.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nancy Martz
Corporations are NOT people!Recent Supreme Court decisions suggest that corporations have rights, just as people do. Corporations may pay taxes and own property, but they are not living entities, separate from the people who comprise them. Therefore, corporations cannot have a gauranteed right to free speech, just as they cannot vote.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Grant Steen
Rent Control in FloridaPull out your salary calculator. Are you paying too much money for rent in Florida? Are you one paycheck away from being homeless in an economy such as this one? If so join in and sign this petition. Florida needs rent control!!!20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Latronda Hayes