Pass the Jobs BillTo tell Congress that we need this legislation NOW16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eric Broadbent
CSX's ExtortionI have been crossing the railroad tracks (country freight train of 25 mph)to get to my land without any issues with CSX( railroad company) for over 6 years. Stated in my deed of 1852, is access for use of the crossing to get to the land on the other side of the tracks. Now that I want to build an off grid home back in my woods, CSX wants to charge me $1450/year maintenance fee and demands I purchase a $5 million insurance policy. CSX is willing to give me a REVOCABLE LICENSE ONLY,which my bank sees as unacceptable.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by peter shue
Mayor Bloomberg: It's Time to Step Down!Mayor Bloomberg used his economic influence to corrupt the City Council and thwart the City of New York's democratically determined two term limit. Aside from his numerous other failings as Mayor, Bloomberg has made fallacious statements about the Occupy Wall Street protesters, presided over a violent and out of control police department, and publicly stated that he will remove peaceful protestors from Zuccotti Park, presumably by force. Not surprisingly, Bloomberg has failed to publicly disclose his personal relationship with one of the board members of a private company that owns Zuccotti Park. It's time for New Yorkers to take a stand against this insidious infiltration of economic interests into our public sphere. This kind of corruption must end. We demand that Mayor Bloomberg step down and relinquish his office immediately. For more information: http://blog.littlesis.org/2011/10/05/the-public-private-partnership-behind-zuccotti-park/37 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pamela Brown
Congressional Reform Act of 2012Changing the way Congress and The Senate operate. American citizens will want to sign this petition because all Americans including members of Congress and The Senate should have the same rights and benefits. End the unfairness that has gone on for too long.562 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Mara Downie
Tax Pot or Marijuana TaxWe have some states started to legalize medical marijuana. We are collecting no taxes. State, local or Federal on these sales. In the Calif collectives, they are calling it a donation, with minimums, etc for what the buyer wants. The Feds still call it illegal, wasting resources on a medicine that has killed no one. No overdoses, ever. No pot driving accidents.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Hanover
Pay Attention to the Occupy ProtestsPeople are fed up with the shell game Washington is playing. Stop assuming that people don't know what is going on.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Boyer
No Revenue? No Deal.Deficit reduction should protect Montana's families and communities.1,205 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Partnership for Montana's Future
Stand Up For Injured Workers.Injured Workers are also being asked to sacrifice in this state! Ohio is talking about lowering Workmens Comp. rates for employers. That money is being taken form injured workers, who had the misfortune of getting hurt doing their job.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert J. Peaden
Returning Politics to the PeopleThis is a constitutional amendment designed to remove the undue influence of the moneyed class on politicians, and make them more responsive to their constituents' real needs.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rick Blum
Voluntary en masse resignation of the US SenateOur government is no longer performing as it should and the entire Congress must be purged and replaced in order for real change to occur.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roddy A. Stegemann
Bring Our Jobs Back to The USA....NOW!If getting off of foreign oil is a national priority - why isn't getting off of foreign products also a national priority. We no longer make our own clothes, toys, appliances, electronics, TV sets, shoes and on and on. There are nearly 200 WalMart stores in China— How proud the shoppers must be to see everything in the store made in their country. Are you, as an American, proud to shop “big box” retailers and see 99% of the goods Made In China? We must return OUR manufacturing to the USA or perish18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by RailRoadingAmericaDotCom
When the people lead, the government will follow!Let's be united on how we see he future! United the people have power, divided we will fall to the will of the rich and the powers that be. The tactics of the rich are "divide and conquer". Let's stay united on fairness for all Americans, not just the rich and powerful.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cathy