Elizabeth Warren is fighting for the protection of consumers. It is only fair that we as consumers fight for her, against the massive concentrated attack she is under from the GOP, the banking and insurance lobbies. Let's let the White House know we want her to head up the CFPB. The President can and should appoint her.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Eardley
  • End Ethanol Mandates/Subsidies
    The Ethanol program was sold to the American people as a way to reduce energy costs and reduce our dependency on foreign oil. It has done the opposite. As the Ethanol content of motor fuel increases, fuel economy decreases. At 10% Ethanol content, the typical car's MPG drops 15%-20%, burning MORE gasoline to drive the same distance, PLUS the Ethanol. In addition to being counter-productive, the taxpayer is paying $.70 per gallon in subsidies/blend credits, as well as higher prices for all food products.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Folsom
  • Ryan response
    The Democratic Senate should propose an answer to the Ryan budget and force a vote or an actual filibuster. Make the Republican senators go on record as preferring a change in Medicare to an increase in taxes on the wealthy and removal of the tax breaks for Big Oil.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hank Asch
  • Reformning the Alford Plea (Deal)
    When the Defendant in a trial is accused of harming a child (17 and under) whether it be from sexual and/or physical harm, and the State has an overwhelming amount of evidence against the Defendant to convict if it goes to trial...and the said Denfendant decides to enter a plea, that they not be allowed to enter that plea under the Alford Plea.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sherilyn Sowell
  • Pass the "America Is Not A Deadbeat Nation" BIll
    Congress has already voted to spend money. Now the Republicans want America to stiff its creditors by refusing to raise the "debt ceiling." I can't tell my tell my creditors I decided not to raise my debt ceiling. Tell Congress to label the debt ceiling bill the "America Is Not A Deadbeat Nation" bill and demand Republicans to vote yes or no on the question: "Does America cheat its creditors?"
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Shafer
  • Rick Scott Recall Election
    This petition is to recall Florida Gov. Rick Scott, and to get him out of The Florida Legislature. He is a fascist, who has lost this state thousands of jobs, cuts state pensions and has made cuts to the education system. He is a terrible man, and he doesn't deserve to be a Governor.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Tiver
  • Demand that Sheriff Joe Arpaio Resign!
    Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is currently the subject of FBI, United States Department of Justice, and Federal Grand Jury investigations for civil rights violations and abuse of power, and he is the defendant in a federal class action suit for racial profiling. He and his department have been named in over 27,000 lawsuits, and his department has been accused of mismanaging over $100 million in county funds. While the Sheriff has pursued media attention and publicity stunts, violent crime rates have risen in Maricopa County. Our already cash-strapped state cannot afford to pay for the Sheriff's misdeeds any longer. We call on him to do the right thing and resign.
    5,824 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Julie Jennings Patterson
  • Arne Duncan Must Resign
    We are tired of Arne Duncan selling out American Students! In its final “Gainful Employment” rule, Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, has made many major concessions to the for-profit higher education industry. Now, Duncan has significantly delayed the point at which the worst for-profit school programs would lose federal financial aid. By doing so, they have made it many times easier for career college lobbyists to kill the regulation before the Department of Education can shut down even the most irredeemable programs.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dorothy White
  • No unlawful entry in Indiana!
    The Indiana Supreme Court recently passed a bill that states we the citizens do not have the right to resist unlawful police entry; this is obviously a right given to all Americans under the fourth amendment and this bill is blatantly unconstitutional.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brad Deaton
  • Stop P&G's war on women
    Proctor & Gamble recently put on a Mr. Clean coupon in the mother's day supplement a picture of a woman and child with the caption "This Mother's Day Get Back to the Job That Really Matters", and all their ads portray women as the only ones who clean, serve, wait on men and boys, etc. Underlining message- You women need to get pregnant and back in the kitchen where you belong.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leslie Rojohn
  • Stop Wisconsin-style Attacks on Maine Workers
    I’m Will Towers, a corrections officer from Oakland, Maine. My co-workers and I are willing to work together with the state to help solve our state’s fiscal situation. But we’re not willing to have our rights attacked. Instead of working with Maine’s state workers, our rabidly anti-worker governor, Paul LePage, is attacking us and our unions. Last week, I learned that LePage and his friends in the legislature are pushing a bill misleadingly called “right to work,” starting with a hearing this Thursday at 2:30p.m. L.D. 309—the bill our legislators will be considering—doesn’t give workers rights. It takes them away. It directly challenges the right of me and my co-workers to bargain freely over our wages, benefits and working conditions. I’ve had enough of Gov. LePage and his friends in the Maine legislature doing the bidding corporate CEOs, Wall Street hedge fund managers and out-of-state special interest groups who poured money into Maine’s 2010 elections.
    3,437 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Will Towers
  • Protect your right to own land in Walton County
    The Walton County Clerk of Courts office, the Walton County tax collector's office, all State of Florida /Walton County tax deed sales in the past, and all current public deed records use the Township Range Section (TRS) grid system as it's base. The TRS system was established by the Federal Government BLM office to convey land by patents, etc. A hundred years worth of Walton County Surveyors documents and field notes have disappeared from the Walton county public records. A court case and recorded public records indicate that the county surveyors did not retrace the original Federal surveys of the area. County Surveyors went the wrong direction and placed their own reference monuments, instead of finding and verifying the existing federal monumentation. The result has been the migration of survey lines by hundreds of feet in many areas, and constant ongoing confusion and litigation by property owners over the course of Walton County history. It is time for Walton County, the State of Florida, and the Federal Government to be on the same page about the basic right to own land and to know exactly where it is, according to the original Federal surveys (the root of our county tax base). Local court case rulings have added to the confusion and assisted the migration of the land lines in all directions.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Jo Odom