• Tell Apple To Let Credo Have The iPhone
    I love my iPhone, but hate giving over $1000 a year to AT&T or Verizon -- both of which donate to right-wing candidates and lobby against issues important to me. Now that Apple no longer has an exclusive deal with AT&T in the U.S., it's time for them to extend a partnership deal to the only progressive phone company.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Koechley
  • Tell Mayor Bloomberg & the NYC Council: No Excuses for School Cuts
    Mayor Bloomberg proposes to cut $350 million directly from the classroom by removing 6,000 teachers from our schools through attrition and layoffs. In addition, the Mayor is proposing $79 million in cuts to early childhood education and $34 million in cuts to community-based after school programs. This would mean cuts to all schools and would lead to the sharpest rises in class size in over thirty years. There are clear alternatives Arts, music, performing arts, physical education, career and technical education, libraries and intervention services would also be hard hit. The Mayor's budget represents a major step backwards in New York's commitment to quality education and is morally unconscionable. We are calling on Mayor Bloomberg and the City Council to invest in school improvement, not cut programs, increase class sizes or take teachers out of the classroom.
    17,129 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Harrison Watkins
  • Tell Kansas State Rep. DeGraaf to apologize for comparing rape to a flat tire!
    Rape is not like getting a flat tire--it's a horrific crime.
    4,306 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Linda Serafini-Gale
  • Stop overdevelopment: Walgreens at Crescent Heights & Santa Monica Blvd.
    Walgreens corporation wants to build a multi-story 59,000 square foot drugstore-retail-residential-parking complex on the small parcel of land at the southwest corner of Santa Monica Blvd and Crescent Heights. How this impacts you? Increased traffic congestion. Increased noise. Four story building with 28 apartment units blocking views. Pushing out mom and pop businesses. Serious issues impacting your community discovered: Walgreens has failed to notice state lead agency. Walgreens failure to disclose toxics at project site. Walgreens failure to provide notice of the DEIR to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. Dishonest development by Walgreens. Blind development putting the community at risk such as possible groundwater contamination. Email us if you want to what else you can do to help: [email protected]
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rod Wingfield
  • Ask Glade® Makers SC Johnson to Remove Toxic Musks!
    SC Johnson (maker of Glade®, Windex®, Fantastik®, and more) continues to use the toxic trespassers galaxolide and tonalide, synthetic musks in fragrance linked to increased risk of breast cancer and hormone disruption that are showing up in our blood, breast milk, and even newborns.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Women's Voices for the Earth
  • STOP Moveon.org!!!!!
    What is Moveon.org?
    23 of 100 Signatures
  • Reinstate Enteral Formula Coverage for Patients with HIV/AIDS
    Please help us get NY Medicaid to reinstate coverage for people with HIV/AIDS who are experiencing weight loss!
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by D. O'Brien
  • A.G. Holder: Strike Down FL's Voter Suppression Law.
    Floridians’ right to vote is under attack–again. What Rick Scott and Tallahassee politicians are attempting to do is change the rules of the game, leaving only their players on the field.
    15,977 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Casey Dayhoff
    Protecting animals from inhumane treatment. Please view the documentary EARTHLINGS to understand he need.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Fairfield
  • Save Human Lives and $$$$$
    Close three of the four military bases in Japan
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Hinton
  • Sheriff Joe Has Got to Resign NOW!
    To be delivered to: Phoenix AZ Board of Supervisors and U.S. Attorney Ann Birmingham Scheel is the Acting United States Attorney. Sheriff Joe Needs to Resign Now! Arpaio is on the run and refusing to respond to the charges of $100 million illegally misspent funds, abuse of power and corruption. It is time for him to go.
    2,219 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Curtis
  • No New Nukes; No Relicensing Old Nukes!
    In light of the unpredictable and deadly releases of radioactivity that are still coming from Fukushima, it's time that the US changed course about nuclear power. Congress is about to vote on a $36 Billion subsidy to the nuclear industry, and they need to know that we want a clean and sustainable energy future for our children and grandchildren. The US is producing highly radioactive nuclear waste to the tune of 105,000 metric tons per year, and there's nowhere to put it. Stop the madness. Stop nuclear power.
    267 of 300 Signatures
    Created by LINDA SEELEY