• Protect Our Land and Water from the Dirtiest Fuel in the World
    Tar sands oil isn’t like regular crude oil, and its corrosive nature makes pipeline ruptures more likely. But Canadian oil company TransCanada is asking the State Department for a permit to pump it through our backyards, and menacing landowners who get in their way. The proposed Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline cuts a Texas aquifer that supplies water to 60 counties. Yet TransCanada has brushed aside concerns from local residents worried about their water, and threatened landowners that don’t want the pipeline crossing their land with eminent domain. Tell Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that we will not allow a foreign oil company to dictate what we do with our land.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brittany Dawn McAllister
  • Protect South Dakota from the Dirtiest Fuel in the World
    Tar sands oil is the dirtiest fuel in the world, and its corrosive nature makes pipeline ruptures and other problems more likely. But Canadian oil pipeline company TransCanada is asking the US State Department for a permit to pump millions of gallons of this oil each day through South Dakota farms, ranches, grasslands and groundwater, and across rivers and streams. The proposed Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline cuts through the Ogallala Aquifer, putting 80% of the region’s drinking water at risk of contamination. Moreover, TransCanada has gained a reputation for bullying landowners and understating risks. Tell Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to reject the permit for Keystone XL.
    323 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Pete Carrels
  • Support the California Dream Act (AB 130 & AB 131)
    Each year, an estimated 24,000 undocumented students graduate from high school in California. Many of these students, defying the odds that predicted their failure, achieved academic excellence and gained admission to the best public universities and colleges of our nation. However, their ineligibility for financial aid and inability to seek employment precludes them from affording the one opportunity to earn a college degree and fulfill a dream. Most of these students were brought to this country at a very young age by their parents and have been raised in the United States just as their U.S. citizen classmates. The CA Dream Act would reduce the financial burden that “AB 540” students face by allowing them the ability to apply and receive financial aid in California. These are the state’s most vulnerable students who have worked hard to exceed expectations, achieve higher than average grade point averages, and overcome many obstacles. These students are valedictorians, class presidents, and star athletes. Through their hard work and perseverance, these students have earned the opportunity to attend an institution of higher education, and their accomplishments should not be disregarded or their futures jeopardized because of their legal status. The legislature and governor should pass and sign the California Dream Act (AB 130 and AB 131).
    149 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Assembly Member Gilbert Cedillo
  • Save Puerto Rico from the Green Gas Pipe Line
    This gas pipeline will be a menace to the population, animals, plants, archeological sites, water, aquifers, air, etc. We should care because whatever hurts the environment in one nation affects everybody in the whole world. Governor Fortuno should take into account the well being of the population as a whole instead of his and his friends own selfish interests. We request that the Army Corp of Engineers take action in this matter.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hector Lopez
  • Change Medicare Part D
    Finding a less expensive cost for Medicare prescription drugs
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Forgy
  • corporations are NOT people
    End corporations(big monies)control of our elections.Reverse the injustice of the supreme court's ruling on "citizens united".It rightfully should have been called "corporations united".With this ruling corporations are given the right to pump unlimited amounts of money into our elections in order to get the politicians elected who will do their bidding(without letting citizens know who paid for the add.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joyce Fowler
  • President Obama stop persecuting online card players
    The atty general is waisting millions of taxpayer dollers to harass online poker players who play with small amounts of their own money in the privacy of their own homes.This petition would ask the President to order the justice department to treat the UIGEA (unlawful internet gambling enforcement act) the same as the DOMA (defence of marriage act),a law that is unconstitutional because it violates personal freedom.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Fred Craig
  • Tax Fracking Now
    Almost all gas-producing states impose a severance tax of some kind on natural gas drilling, because once the resource is gone, it's gone--and hydrofracturing can leave behind serious damage just as the coal industry did. A "frack tax" will make sure that Pennsylvania has the resources to respond to these challenges.
    485 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Central Susquehanna Citizens Coalition (CSCC)
  • Public Financing for All Major Election Campaigns!
    Our democracy is dysfunctional. Wealthy interests underwrite the campaigns of their favorite candidates, then these elected officials become their servants rather than servants of the common good. How else could a few Americans have oppressed the rest of us with credit default swaps, health insurers able to rescind sick patients, and economic policy tilted towards the few wealthiest citizens? A single legislative initiative will restore a vital democratic process in America. We need a constitutional amendment making all House, Senate, and Presidential campaigns entirely publicly financed.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Mangine
  • Reinstate Adjunct Professor Don Giljum
    Despite denouncing a doctored and discredited video aired by Andrew Breitbart, the University of Missouri St Louis pressured Adjunct Professor Don Giljum to resign, refusing him both due process and support defending his rights automatically accorded tenured faculty. Professor Giljum's treatment is representative of the contingent academic labor system. Reintstating him with an apology is not only right and fair but would send a message to higher education about unfair and inherently immoral labor practices.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vanessa Vaile
  • Congressional Reform Act of 2011
    Take a look at this and tell me it won't fix Congress. It will! One thing that is abundantly clear is that Washington DC, and Congress in particular, is very messed up. This legislation will create a substantially different atmosphere for our elected ones, and they had better be there to SERVE US AND NOT THEMSELVES!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bert Cutts
  • Let Puerto Rico be an independent nation.
    The decolonization of Puerto Rico should be carried out according to the United Nation's Resolution 1514(XV) of the General Assembly of 1960. Such resolution is considered the Magna Charta of decolonization. Independence is an inalienable right. Further all Puerto Rican political prisoners should be freed.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hector Lopez