Rep. Kilmer: Support Voting RightsThe Voting Rights Act is one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed. Last year's Supreme Court decision weakened critical provisions of it. Right now, Congress can restore those protections by passing this important bill. Please cosponsor and fight for this bill.2,022 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Heather Tillman
Rep. Runyan: Make it Easier to VoteIt is sad that the action of some Republicans is viewed as purposely making it harder to vote. Co-sponsor the Voting Rights Amendment Act to restore and strengthen the provisions that the Supreme Court weakened last year. This will prove that you believe your party has the solutions to the nation's problems that the majority of the people want.961 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by James and Mary Frederick
Help Restore the Voting Rights ActUnfortunately, I'm old enough to remember the original Voting Rights Act, which passed with almost unanimous Republican votes. I hope you'll continue this proud tradition by supporting the restoration of the Act after the Supreme Court rendered it a shadow of its former self.1,433 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jim Quinn
Rep. Jared Polis: Support Voting RightsWe can ill afford to allow some citizens to be denied their voting rights, lest all but a few privileged citizens are denied our rights as citizens. Right now your support of the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014 can restore the protections voters have lost.1,666 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Deborah Stucklen
Help Restore the Voting Rights ActThis petition will focus on strengthening and protecting the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014, with Representatives Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), John Conyers (D-MI), and Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) . This bill isn't perfect but is the best vehicle we have for restoring the rights struck down by the Supreme Court last year.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie
Self Governance vs. Corporate OwnedI have never been required to fill out a form requiring me to state my party affiliation and signing it in front of an obvious group of intimidating disapproving people until I moved to Georgia. Voting rights are no longer just a racial issue only needed in southern states that have a history of racial discrimination. I am a white Democrat and well aware that my ability to cast a vote that matters is at risk. The protection of voting rights is urgently needed for ALL states and are based on the obvious need for all Americans to have their vote count in a fair elections process. We have been marginalized and disenfranchised enough. Someone needs to stop thinking this is just about color. They intimidate and disenfranchise all Democrats in Georgia, not just black Democrats. The elections vote and machines need to be audited. No more corporate manipulated elections process as in 2000 and 2008. We need a resolution to undo the "Citizens United" ruling immediately.959 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Jolene M Adkins
Rep. McCollum: Support Voting RightsLet's continue to do what's right and not let the Supreme Court take away rights that our Civil Rights heroes fought for.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Sutherland
Rep. Bonamici: Support Voting RightsI am starting this petition to work towards providing equal and convenient voting access for all American citizens.1,443 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by D J
RESTORE THE VOTING RIGHTS ACTOn the anniversary which pays repect for the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, we should all re-dedicate ourselves to promoting and restoring the freedoms that we hold so dear in our hearts. The Voting Rights Act is one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed. Last year's Supreme Court decision weakened critical provisions of it. Right now, Congress can restore those protections by passing this important bill. Rep. Smith should support this effort by cosponsoring and fighting for a strong bill.739 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Leslie Fraley
Threat to DemocracyBecause many have fought and died that I may have the freedom to vote.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sandra Green
Voting Rights Act 2014Restore the rights for voters1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by meredith parson
Rep. Anna Eshoo: Support Voting Rights ActDo something you will be proud to tell your children you helped pass it.2,183 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Reay Dick