• Set Campaign Time and Spending Limits
    Stop Big Money from Buying Elections
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Bergs
    Donald Trump has called the re-election of President Obama a "travesty" and has called for a "revolution".
    444 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Raymond Harth
  • Kick Trump off NBC
    Stop NBC from airing another season of Celebrity Apprentice!
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob
  • Truth in Broadcasting Law
    Truth in broadcasting law
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mary baross
  • Tea Party out
    For the past 4 years since the Tea Party has come into power all we've done is spin our wheels.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Livingston
  • Dump Trump !
    Donald Trump's behavior is outrageous, insulting and pathetic! The amount of air time he gets to spew his hatred is ridiculous and his accusations are appalling. Sadly, the media provides him free reign for entertainment value, but people are influenced by his BS . Help us to restore national respect and dignity by sending Trump a message. Tell Walgreens that we expect them to Dump Trump!
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nora Cochran
  • Code of Ethics- remove the double standard in journalism
    I want to start an effort to demand that NBC News remove David Gregory as host of Meet the Press after he violated the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics by being the keynote speaker at a conference for a major Republican consulting group, NFIB. I am calling on everyone in Kentucky and beyond to hold journalists and the media responsible for holding a double standard when it comes to politics. Please sign! Spread the word!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobbi Flood
  • Let's Salvage the Housing Market!
    I had to let my retirement home go because it became a toxic asset. It was a decision of spend all my retirement money to save my home or spend my retirement money to take care of myself. My bottom line was for bank to use tax bail-out dollars to rewrite my loan to current value of approx. $270,000. Bank said "NO WAY", foreclosed, THEN SOLD MY HOME TO ANOTHER PARTY FOR , you've got it, $ 270,000!!!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Roberts
  • 77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dani Zerbib
    Just today 11/08/12 gasoline has rose .20 , why ? Can anyone tell us ? I believe there is price fixing and a huge monopoly at work here and the last 40 years.Any time big oil wants to get their share holder a couple billion dollars they raise the prices.This is not fair to the American public that is now just out of a ression.Our politicians will not protect us from this illegal business practice.The big oil lobby is too big in Washington. I will not vote in the next election unless this matter is addressed.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LARRY WHITE
  • Walgreens Should Break Ties with Donald Trump
    Donald Trump is initiating negative behavior and speech in regards to our country. If someone of his stature and following can Tweet "Start a Revolution and bring it to the White House" to millions of people at a time of national divide, that isn't someone we need to do business with. That is a statement that some people will take literally, and it will perpetuate violence. This isn't about Republican, Democrat, or Independent. This is strictly common sense. In this past election, we saw what our voices can accomplish, and we should continue to use them to bring about change.
    532 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Keesha Williams
  • Dump the Grover Norquist No Tax Pledge
    One of the reasons there's a stalemate in government is that most of the Republican representatives have signed the Grover Norquist pledge to never, under any circumstances, ever raise taxes. Failure to do so will result in an effort to keep the offending candidate from getting on the ballot in the first place or, if serving, removed during the next election cycle. Grover Norquist wasn't elected to any public office, yet his tactics are holding the country hostage and threaten the entire economic system. It's time to disavow Grover Norquist and his pledge. Tell your elected representative you didn't vote for him to represent Grover Norquist. You voted for them to represent you and your community's interests.
    573 of 600 Signatures
    Created by ALex Burger