• Tell NASCAR: Remove ALL confederate flags from your events
    "No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race. It starts with confederate flags," Bubba Wallace, the only Black driver in NASCAR, said. "Get them out of here. They have no place for them." In the wake of George Floyd's murder, there's a renewed effort to rid public spaces of racist symbols like the confederate flag. It's time for NASCAR to stop looking the other way on a symbol that makes Black people and those who don't support white supremacy deeply unwelcome and uncomfortable visiting its race tracks. NASCAR's majority white fan base is exactly where a conversation on racism and white supremacy needs to happen. By opposing the confederate flag, NASCAR's CEO Jim France can show that NASCAR stands on the right side of history.
    2,271 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Ryan Patrick
  • Posse Peace Program
    To Posse National, Posse Alumni, Current Posse Scholars, and all friends/supporters of Posse, Pain. Grief. Hopelessness. Fury. Exhaustion. For many of us we are experiencing the full range of these heavy but familiar emotions, yet again. Even in the middle of a global pandemic, our Black family is being hunted down like animals. Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Nina Pop, George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Justin Howell, Sean Monterrosa, Jamel Floyd, Freddie Gray, Korryn Gaines, Sandra Bland, Botham Jean, Jamar Clark, Dreasjon Reed, Ezell Ford, Michael Brown, Michelle Shirley, Redel Jones, Kenney Watkins, Stephon Clark, Laquan McDonald, Eric Garner, Eleanor Bumpers, Alberta Spruill, the list goes on. We Posse alumni and scholars are reaching out to rise in solidarity as “one Posse” against racial injustice. Based on the 2019 Posse Alumni Report, the Black community makes up the greatest percentage by race of our reported alumni and together with the Latinx community represents the majority. Therefore, the majority of our Posse community is facing racial injustices head-on and deserves to be supported by the organization, which quite frankly benefits from the systemic injustices that exist in this nation - specifically educational inequity. There would be no Posse without the Black community. As Debbie Bial explained in her June 2nd email, we too believe that this is precisely the time to tap into our collective capacity as an organization. But words like “leverage” and “network”, we are afraid, are performative at best, and complicit at worst. It has become evident that moral support and statements are not what drive progress. Action does. We request that The Posse Foundation publicly support, advance and adopt the three efforts below in a much needed attempt to combat racial injustice: A) NAACP’s 10 Demands We request that The Posse Foundation publicly support the NAACP’s 10 demands for all police departments. These 10 demands also align with the #wearedonedying social justice movement campaign. We believe this is a key step towards lessening police brutality nationwide and elevating the importance of Black and brown lives. B) #8toAbolition We request that The Posse Foundation publicly support the #8toAbolition campaign whose chief priorities are to “focus on concrete actions such as reducing police budgets, rather than introducing abstract procedural rules that are easily undercut by police”. Conversely, the 8cantwait campaign has already been adopted in a variety of states, yet continues to prove ineffective at curtailing the gestapo-like tactics that continually claim Black lives for sport. The #8toAbolition mission forces us to reimagine this country without police. A country that heals and nourishes communities of color rather than criminalizing and crippling them. C) Create a “Posse Peace Program” at Each Posse City Site We have seen organizations use their gifts/resources/power to put weight behind their words. Ben & Jerry’s issued a powerful statement calling for action to “Dismantle White Supremacy”. Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey donated $3 million dollars to Colin Kaepernick’s “Know Your Rights Campaign.” LA Mayor Eric Garcetti cut $150 million from LAPD and is planning to reinvest in communities of color. Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian resigned from its board and is asking for his seat to be filled with a Black candidate. Even beauty companies are stepping up to the plate. Everlane is donating $75,000 to the ACLU and EJI, respectively. Anastasia pledged $1 million dollars and several others followed suit. Below are the ideas and on how The Posse Foundation can go about creating a “Posse Peace Program”: 1) Similar to PNAAC representatives, Posse city sites will work with appointed peace representatives in each city to fully support our scholars who risk their safety at protests. The representative will help disseminate protest information. They will remain peaceful at protests via adhering to a set of guidelines that scholars, alumni, and the Posse Leadership Team will have agreed upon.. 2) Allocate funding to gather/provide materials for protesters: face masks, gas masks, heat resistant gloves, protective eyewear, protective headgear, earplugs, elbow/knee pads, and water. While it pains us that protection is necessary, it is necessary nonetheless. In many states across the U.S. peaceful protesters have been met with violence, so we must take a “hope for the best, but prepare for the worst” stance. If you do not fear for your life the way we do, then your privilege allows you to do so. 3) If adopted, The Posse Foundation should publicly announce the start of the Posse Peace Program initiative to scholars, alumni, donors, employees, etc. 4) The Posse Foundation should also encourage members of its sites’ staff to be present at these peaceful protests and demonstrations. To our Posse family, we are certain we are not alone in feeling the urgency of this moment. Therefore, we have created a petition to solicit signatures from Posse scholars and alumni across the national network. Click here to sign the petition. To Posse National, we expect you to take these requests to heart & we look forward to collaborating in the very near future. #WeAreDoneDying and we are done asking. Lastly, if you would like to to share thoughts and opinions on the petition, the role of Posse in ending racial injustice, etc., click here. ---> https://forms.gle/4L2no82tDiDwcSNq5 Sincerely, and with Posse Love, Shaquille Anderson (Boston Bucknell Posse 5 and NAACP 2020 Next Gen Member) Gia Ciccolo (Boston Bucknell Posse 4) Nigel Henry Robinson (Boston Bucknell Posse 4) Alvaro J. Peters (Boston Union Posse 5)
    264 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Alvaro Peters
  • Operation: Lend a Hand to Small and Essential Businesses
    If these businesses remain closed, people in already corona ravaged communities will suffer further indignities and injustices. They will have to travel further to receive much needed medicine, food, or essential goods. Or they will have to wait longer for essentials to be delivered by an already strained postal system. We are all mutually dependent on one another: businesses on people, and people on businesses. Let's repair our communities and heal this NOW!
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamila Johnson
  • Get Donald Trump Off of the 2020 ballot
    This is to save what is left of the United States. We as Americans have to do our part in making sure we save our country.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by T R Picture
  • Police Brutality
    It is important because the police brutality on African Americans have been a repeated cycle far too long in America. We want to grow and evolve as a better nation, if the same issue keeps happening then change will come. Not good change, more and more people will start to take risks and try to find weakness on how to find the solution to the madness. An officer killing someone innocent is not serving justice or duty. They are taking advantage of their power and misguiding the laws they are taught. Change needs to come.
    328 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dremond King
  • Target Corporation needs to join the effort to change policing policies in Minneapolis.
    This is important because Target has political and financial influence in the city that can be leveraged to bring about the desired result of policy change in the Minneapolis Police Department.
    272 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Trent Daniel
  • Every Death of a US COVID-19 Patient Needs to be Heard
    Let's show the President and his administration what 100,000 of something looks like. To date, finding 100,000 deaths in the US from COVID-19 during the past 4 months describes a ridiculously large number - a total exceeded (for example) only by the total US military deaths from either the 4+ years of WW II or the 4+ years American Civil War. Ranking 3rd on that list is not an achievement of which to be proud That the 100,000 deaths happened so swiftly, in so many locales, and with so little recognition of the actual spread of the virus speaks to the total lack of sincere concern for all those affected and in particular of the empty expressions of empathy to all the patients, their families and loved ones, as well as the medical and support staffs and organizations who ran toward the pandemic to help rather than retire to some more serene place of safety. 100,000 deaths and the corresponding muddled and ineffective efforts offered by the Executive leadership stands out as clearly as the pervasive absence of any continuing care or concern about the public at large. The mixed messages, fits and starts of policy or proclamation, and valuing of business results over peoples' health, lives, families, futures and contributions to society tells the shockingly dismissive story of what matters to the rich and powerful. We can inform our President and his associates of the real magnitude of concern by signing this petition in multiple hundreds of thousands so as to dwarf the sad effects of their feckless attempts to downplay the realities of the issues. Let's cap the many signatures with a tearful emoji from each signer!
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred Newman
  • Plastic Free Packaging Option on All Amazon Orders
    During the Covid 19 pandemic the amount of plastic being used worldwide has increased significantly. The amount of plastic used in Amazon delivery envelopes and packaging is limitless. If Amazon makes this change it will set an example that will have immense impacts. As Bezos is propelled toward being Earth's first trillionaire, he, and his company, can give back to Earth by stopping unnecessary plastic use.
    459 of 500 Signatures
    Created by John Lyman
  • Hazard Pay for ALL Amazon and Whole Foods Workers
    Because Amazon and Whole Foods employees are on the front lines of this pandemic. While Amazon is increasing revenue, its employees are putting themselves at risk every day keeping things humming.
    1,322 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Eva Kiczkowski
  • The Coronavirus is a Test for Our Commonwealth and Country -- You Are Failing
    With six months to go until the November elections, the U.S. Senate has a waning opportunity to show our country what compassionate, bipartisan leadership looks like, and whether majority leader Mitch McConnell is capable of that leadership. His legacy will likely be defined by how the Senate meets this historic challenge. An obsessive focus on reshaping the federal judiciary will pale in comparison to an underwhelming and tepid response to the significant needs of our commonwealth and nation to meet the coronavirus crisis. Sen. McConnell's recent actions are deeply troubling. From stating, “Some of these governors, particularly the Democrat governors, it seems, enjoy this extra power over people’s lives, and ... the governors have been struck down, been overruled, for being sort of drunk with power at the opportunity to keep everybody locked up,” to recently saying that President Obama should "keep his mouth shut," and calling him "classless." This comes on the heels of his irresponsible suggestion that states should declare bankruptcy instead of expecting federal support. Please sign and share our petition to encourage Leader McConnell to make the most of the moment, and set a new, bipartisan direction for his leadership of the current Senate session.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Viles
  • National No Confidence Vote on Donald Trump and His Administration
    This action is important for so many reasons, such as Mr. Trump and his administration’s: 1) racist and violent rhetoric; 2) dangerous refusal to sufficiently handle the current COVID-19 pandemic and its numerous associated issues; 3) shameful detention of immigrants and their families; 4) purposeful raiding of taxpayer funds to benefit the richest segment of US citizens; 5) flagrant unethical and unlawful behaviors; and 6) other issues too numerous to mention. - - - We must make our disapproval unequivocal. Please lend your voice to this political action. - - - “There is a power that can be created out of pent-up indignation, courage, and the inspiration of a common cause, and that if enough people put their minds and bodies into that cause, they can win. It is a phenomenon recorded again and against in the history of popular movements against injustice all over the world.” ― Howard Zinn, You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times
    455 of 500 Signatures
    Created by No Confidence Picture
  • Force Trump to Protect Meat Plant Workers
    Right now, these companies are using the keep open order as protection from any liability for what happens to workers. This is egregiously unfair and is a barely disguised form of what's called "forced labor." Workers should not have to choose between poverty and getting sick and possibly dying. These plans change all of that. Shame on Trump and Shame on these companies for not doing this!
    366 of 400 Signatures
    Created by David Roy, Ph.D. Picture