• Leave Social Security Alone
    The proposal to cut Social Security benefits for current and future recipients by the President and Congress is wrong. Social Security does not add to the deficit and should be left off the bargaining table. Congress doesn’t mind cutting Social Security because they receive such a generous retirement (even after only one term.)
    890 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by patrick Sandoval
  • Remove Social Security from budget cuts
    Social Security cuts need to be removed from buget cut talks. We've put money in for years and these funds do not add to the deficit!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ralph DePetris, Jr.
  • "Rollover Grover": Unchain Congress from their Faustian no tax Pledge!
    Save America and the world economy from going over the "fiscal cliff." Tell Lawmakers that they must break their selfish pledge, to restore sanity to themselves and our Democracy!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey K
  • Don't Hold Middle Class Vietnamese American Families Hostage.
    Don't increase taxes on hardworking families. Going over the cliff would strike at the heart of American families and could put our fragile economy back in a recession.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linh Hoang
  • Tax Firearms to fund Public and Mental Health
    This is to begin to offset the current environment wherein firearm profits are privatized to benefit relatively few, while the increasing indirect costs of public security are (socialized) paid for by all citizens involuntarily rather than accounted for in the manufacturing and distribution of these firearms.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Paquin
  • Social Security Cuts
    Cutting social security is counterproductive since it inhibits economic activity from senior citizens and would also be an injustice. There should be legislative action to ensure that the social security funds are not "raided" to be used for other issues. Rather, the funds should be invested for growth.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Krise
  • Do Not Cut Social Security Benefits
    Social Security does not add one penny to the deficit. Do not mess with it or cut benefits. Do not cut Social Security Benefits. While all the costs of living go up, up, up, our income goes down. What kind of a deal is that. Do not cut Social Security Benefits at all. Leave them alone.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beatrice Mount
  • Don't go with "Plan B"
    Payroll tax cuts
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by patricia
  • No Christmas For Congress
    Tell Congress they cannot go home for Christmas until they agree to a deal.
    311 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Erica Payne
  • Raise the minimum wage and index it to the localized cost of living.
    More money in the hands of the poorest is the best place to ignite our sluggish economy. People who have needs they cannot afford to fill will spend all additional income provided. The added income will spur the economy while improving the health, well being and security of our most vulnerable citizens. Its a Win - Win - Win.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David George
  • Congress / Citizen Parity Act
    28th Amendment to the Constitution that requires that any laws passed by Congress MUST apply to members of Congress as well. One of the provisions would require cuts to Congressional pay, benefits etc. before Congress can impose cuts to any social benefit program's budget.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Aita
  • Unemployed service men
    unemployed service men to give them employment . Let them potrol the school, there are very well trained. to make the schools very safe for our students,children grandchildren.And to give back what they have done for us
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CATHY SHEPARD