• Student Loan Forgiveness Act 2012
    The State of NH has one of the highest (if not highest) student loan debts in the nation. On average, a student in NH finishes college with at least $30,000 in student loans. To make this situation worse....we are unable to find jobs at a rate where we can begin to make the payments back 6 months after graduating. Do we really want students to be discouraged at continuing their education because of this? I'd hate to think of the consequences of this happening. Lack of qualified workers in certain jobs would then create poorer productivity and thus affect our State's reputation.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wendy Hubbard
  • The Employee Drug Test Protection Act
    I am a bill, I have yet to be introduced into legislature. If you value your Civil Liberties, and you right to privacy, I am a bill that will fight for you much like the Employee Polygraph Protection Act fights for you now!!! Every year over 10,000 hard working Americans lose their jobs over inaccurate, improper and false drug test results. Every year we spend Billions of dollars on testing people without cause. This illegal search is being used, instead of judging peoples performance on the job. It is time the myriad of Drug Tests that everyday ordinary citizens are being subjected to on a constant basis in this "free" country comes to an end. It is time to end the illegal search and seizure, the religious and racial discrimination, and terrible stigma that is pre-employment random and suspicion-less drug testing. Wouldn't you agree?? Then do something. ONLY YOU can really make a difference. ..
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Silas Johnson
  • Cap Fuel prices
    Bill to put a cap price on fuel in the US.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam
  • Enough with the Motel 6 murders & drugs
    This is a strong matter in our community. We NO longer feel safe and would like someone to step in and make it a better place for everyone. The motel 6 has had so many murders, suicides, prostitutes and we see drug deals happening in and out of that place, so much that our kids are questioning us about how safe it is for us. We want this motel closed down and would like a grocery store or some type of new venue to take place there.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Johnson
  • Service Student Loan Repayment
    Many young American citizens are struggling under the burden of debt accrued while earning a college degree, debts which they took on under the understanding that such a degree would improve their opportunities to find employment. The youth of this country have been disproportionately impacted by the economic downturn of 2008 and unemployment/underemployment still remains high. Many are postponing important life decisions like buying a home or starting a family due to the burden of student loans. We propose allowing these citizens to repay their loan through volunteer service hours in their own communities. Furthermore, we seek to retroactively increase the education award given to Americorps members by 30% in recognition of the service they gave to their nation.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Heim
  • Say NO to H.R. 4170.
    Representative Hansen Clarke of Michigan has just introduced H.R. 4170, the Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012, in the House of Representatives - legislation designed to ... basically act as a bailout for students with more debt than they can handle... sound familiar Wall Street? For a brief summary of H.R. 4170's main provisions, please copy & paste this URL into your browser: http://tinyurl.com/7akydbk I know that many students out there are happy to sign a petition that might give them some relief from their financial obligations, but who wouldn't? But Congress isn't just there to listen to its constituents who want a handout, it has a responsibility to consider the effects of its decisions on all constituents and their future. I myself have student loans, and I have worked in the student loan industry and seen the problem. But let's consider the REAL problem. Rising tution and rising unemployment. Why is this happening while there is also a TALENT CRISIS? That's right! Companies all over the country are searching the GLOBE for more skilled workers, meanwhile 9% of America is unemployed. Let's nip this in the bud. We need corporations, universities and government policy working together to promote job training in the sectors that NEED for employees. So, sign this petition to let congress know you don't want them to sign H.R. 4170, and that you want them to focus on policies that will bring down tuition and increase opportunities for job training and education in fields that are in demand. I'd rather see that money go to re-educate people and GARAUNTEE them a job. That will boost the economy far more than a hand-out for the 9% of the population fighting for jobs that don't exist. Let's get our corporations investing back in America too. Companies need to help educate America and fill their workforce too. Let's start encouraging this, instead of bailing out America for promising its children great jobs while America puts itself in more debt training for the wrong jobs. There might be 375,000 people who want their student loans forgiven, but I hope there are 375,000 people who want a better solution to our economy's struggles. The solution is out there, but it isn't H.R. 4170. DO NOT PASS H.R. 4170!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trevor Gast
  • Tell the Unicameral: Vote No on TransCanada’s LB1161, Stop the “Pipeline Six”
    Six of the eight members of the Nebraska Unicameral’s Natural Resources Committee have become pro-pipeline activists, voting through their committee a bill that would give TransCanada a free pass to determine a pipeline route through Nebraska and to seize private property through eminent domain on a “fast track.” LB1161 circumvents existing Nebraska state law that would require any major oil pipeline project to first obtain approval through a Nebraska Public Service Commission process. LB1161 would set a dangerous precedent by allowing a foreign corporation (which currently has no pending permit for a pipeline) to enact immediate powers of eminent domain, as if they were a public utility with the proper authority and permits. The unicameral worked hard during the special session in November to pass laws that would give Nebraskans input and oversight over where and how pipelines would cross our state. Now, following the lead of TransCanada-loving Jim Smith (LD14), five other Natural Resources Committee senators Tom Carlson (LD38), Mark Christensen (LD44), Chris Langemeier (LD23), Beau McCoy (LD39) and Ken Schilz (LD47) are taking their pro-pipeline activism to the rest of the unicameral for a vote. It seems the “Pipeline Six” are in TransCanada’s pocket, doing anything they ask rather than representing Nebraska citizens and our natural resources. Nebraskans deserve better. We deserve leaders who represent our interests, not the interests of a foreign corporation. We demand leaders who will take necessary action to protect and preserve our state’s land and water--not corporate puppets that will do anything in their power to ensure this pipeline is built. We will not allow this political pandering of a few state senators willing to sell out our state’s natural resources and our people’s personal property rights to their Big Oil buddies.
    1,776 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jane Fleming Kleeb
  • City Officials Stop The Chicago Violence...Give our youth and Family members a chance
    This petition was started by P2P LOPW NPCO .. In an effort to get Chicago's Mayor and City Politicians to stand up against the escalated violence in Chicago thus far. The Mayor has dug near and far to scrap and savage every piece of money he could find but has yet to speak or put a plan in action to counteract this violence. Our children young and older African American- White- Hispanic All deserve a chance at life... This is past ridiculous.. We are prepared to March at City Hall if need be so that they can see we are tired of burying our chlidren and Family members. The more signatures the firmer our foundation. It takes a village.. Lets make a stand TODAY!!!!!!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by K. Rogers
  • Bring Trader Joe's to the Lehigh Valley
    Trader Joe's is an amazing grocery store with organic, natural foods at affordable costs. They only move into areas with a certain population - usually young, hip, artsy, natural-foods loving people! Let's show them how much the Lehigh Valley fits into their perfect community of Trader Joe's-loving-customers! Sign this petition to show your support for a Trader Joe's in the Lehigh Valley!
    4,856 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Alexandra Milspaw
  • An Easier Economy
    This petition is for a national plan to lower domestic energy consumption through strict conservation, increase fossil and nuclear production, and then export that energy for money. Using the taxes from those sales, we would pay down America's debt, bring affordable water and energy back to our people, and then have an ongoing export surpluses in energy for the next 50-100 years.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Todd Bandrowsky
  • student loan forgiveness act 2012
    Give Students who are struggling after working hard for years to be able to earn back from their years of sacrificing.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janet Cook
  • Save Washington State Classified Employees from 3% Temporary Salary Reduction (TSR)
    The Governor of the State of Washington has mandated a 3% salary reduction for classified employees effective July 1, 2012 in order to close the gap on the budget deficit in Washington state. The Governor is in a position to reverse her decision to implement these cuts in the upcoming budget. We are calling on her to stand up on behalf of Classified employees who are already underpaid and stop the 3% Salary Reduction. Please note that with the lack of classified employees not receiving the cost of living raise (COLA) for the past 4 years plus no salary wage increase along with reducing their salaries another 3%, if you combined those together this will give you a better picture as to what is happening to this underpaid and underrepresented group of employees.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marion Heard