• Let's Rush to get rid of Rush Limbaugh off of WGAU!!!
    Rush Limbaugh's verbal assault on Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke, calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute," was intended to do one thing: intimidate women who would dare to speak out for their reproductive freedom. This behavior by Rush is NOT OK!!!
    548 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Tim Riley
  • Fire Rush Limbaugh off of KNZZ 1100 in Grand Junction, CO
    This is a matter of women's rights! It's time to push this effort to our local radio stations, KNZZ 1100 in Grand Junction still airs and supports Rush Limbaugh, he needs to go now! Sign up and push on to get him off the air in our beautiful Grand Junction, CO.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Renee Roberts
  • Fire Rush Limbaugh
    Northern Arizona - let's try to take Rush Limbaugh off local radio station, KBTK. We no longer can tolerate his racist, misogynist, homophobic rants. He speaks not to the diversity of our communities!
    273 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Carol Thompson
  • Restore Funding to UNESCO
    The U.S. recently withdrew $60 million from UNESCO, a U.N. organization that provides vital support to thousands of needy people around the world. This was because UNESCO voted to allow Palestine as a member, and an old U.S. law requires our government to cut funding from any organization that officially recognizes Palestine. Regardless of whatever feelings we may have about the Israel-Palestine conflict, we cannot allow innocent people around the world to become the collateral damage of that conflict. Please join me in asking Congress and President Obama to overturn this archaic law, and restore funding to these vital and non-partisan programs.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Wolfe
  • KZRG: Take Rush Limbaugh Off the Air in Joplin
    Rush Limbaugh's reprehensible attack on Sandra Fluke, the college student who spoke to Congress about women's reproductive rights, calling her a slut and a prostitute and asking her to make a sex video, should be the end of his on-air career. Let's convince KZRG to kick him off the air in Joplin
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Chad Armstrong
  • Remove Rush Limbaugh from local radio
    Rush Limbaugh has insulted the women of the world and should be removed from the airwaves. He is abusive, hateful and his comments do not educate or inform. He has no knowledge of the subject on which he is commenting. .
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Delage
  • Fire Rush Limbaugh
    Air time should not be wasted on the dehumanizing words of Rush Limbaugh. He is a divisive, abusive, horrible sub-human who loves only the sound of his own words. He is not working for anything, but against everything but himself.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary N. Swersey
  • Petition calling for WVHU 800 to take Rush Limbaugh off-the-air.
    Rush Limbaugh's verbal attacks against college student Sandra Fluke for speaking out about her reproductive rights are not acceptable. The use of his program to broadcast that attack and put pressure on Ms. Sandra Fluke is unacceptable, and should be stopped.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louis Adkins
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JEB MOFFATT
  • (local) stop rush limbaugh.
    he called a women a "slut". I think it is terrible. I am sure you've all heard the 'hype' about (it) we should get him off the air.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by levi
  • Fire all who denigrate women
    Not only Rush Limbaugh, but fire Bill Maher, and Ed Shultz, as well. If anyone attacked the Obama daughters as they attacked Palin's the media would be calling for a crucifixion. Down with Selective Outrage!!! Women are women, whether liberal or conservative.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ROB NELSON
  • Boycott Rush Limbaugh
    Rush Limbaugh's latest assault against women is unacceptable. Because a Georgetown University law student testified before Congress in support of insurance companies providing coverage for birth control pills, Limbaugh called her a "slut" and "prostitute" and completely misrepresented the text of her testimony. Then, he suggested that she post videos of her having sex on the web so everybody could watch them. This tirade went on for several days. He subsequently offered a disingenuous apology after losing some of his sponsors but his views regarding women and women's health are on the record. Please sign this petition to have his show removed from WKRM 1340. His brand of hateful rhetoric is insulting to women and to men who respect them. His inflammatory hate speech contributes to the vulgarity in politics today.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judy Wood