• No Cutting Down the Trees Behind Kanaloa Houselots Subdivision
    If Jo-Ann T Ridao Director of Department of Housing and Human Concers allows Decoite Tree service to be able to cut down our trees in the Kanaloa Houselots Subdivision itll be : lost of privacy, we will lose our noise barrier between the house's above, it'll arise the rodents/insects hidden in the tree's and grass area, & I feel that the ground will have some erosion to it when we have heavy rain fall . I understand that Jo-Ann's concern for the fire hazard but my house has been here since 1982 and no fire has been stated due to the trees behind our house. Jo-Ann stated that by cutting down all the Keawe Trees it'll eliminate the high cost of maintaining the trees, this house has been here since 1982 and my dad said that he has not seen anyone maintaining the Keawe Trees execpet for last year 2011 to cut the Keawe Trees and the Malafu Tree Service didn't do a good job.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donnamarie Fernandez
    This petition is against switching to the 7-period schedule and keeping the block schedule for Sam Barlow and Gresham High School. Please do not put a fake name or joke around or put any rude comments, otherwise your signature will become void.
    1,154 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Cassidy Powell
  • Keep block schedule
    The petition is about keeping block schedules because it would greatly affect our learning if it was a seven period day NO BAD COMMENTS
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Austin Travis Bristow
  • e - verify
    The e-verify bill needs to be changed to give farmers a chance to opt out if the have all the paperwork required by the federal govt.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Hosey
  • Assign new child support judge in Hidalgo, County Master Court #2
    The hidalgo county Judge in Master Court #2 is not a just at all. She assigns "classes" that cost money, sends people to places where they charge to see your own kids. She is very unfair, and unjust, please petition to get Judge Ma. Socorro Leos out!
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose Menchaca
  • Beach Club Security
    Please read and sign this petition regarding recent concerns about security at the Beach Club.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Keaton
  • California state bank
    The State of California should form a state-run bank for the purpose of providing the public with an option of a financial institution that is responsive to public interest and dedicated to protecting the public from predatory practices, exorbitant fees, and reckless speculation with the depositors' money. The state bank should adhere to the principles of Glass-Steagall Act, which should be de-repealed in California.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elena Bridgman
  • Corporations are not people money is not speech
    The Supreme court has defied precedent and allowed unlimited corporate money to influence elections. We have to make it clear that Iowa will not allow corporations (some foreign) to buy our elections.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vincent Wilson
  • Gov Haley: SC Can't Afford a Million Dollar Law Suit Over Voter ID
    South Carolina’s new law requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls was blocked by the U.S. Justice Department, which said it would “significantly” burden non-white voters. In February, SC Attorney General Alan Wilson filed suit against U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder over this ruling. The litigation could cost cash-strapped SC more than $1 million, according to two South Carolina attorneys who have practiced before the U.S. Supreme Court.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kitty Kent
  • Save the Middle Class
    Both state and federal legislatures throughout the country are looking to increase taxes on the middle class and lower them on the wealthy and large corporations. Meanwhile nothing is being done to lower gas prices or raise minimum wages or get rid of other hurdles to middle class income such as pay caps.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jay
  • Take back the vote.
    The time has come to end the electoral college and give the voting power in presidential elections to the people. People should sign on to end the mockary of our democracy which demeans the value of our intellegence and will as a nation.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Kangas
  • Vote Against House Bill 119
    Regarding House Bill 119 and how it will screw up Florida's Health Care System. If you are a LMT, P.T. D.O., D.C. and own/or work in a private medical facility. You will be affected directly sooner rather than later. The powers that be are trying to keep this under the radar as long as they can just for there own benefit not the benefit of the people. Just another freedom of choice that these non medical affiliates are trying to get rid of for there own financial gain. Research this for yourself and get involved now.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ali Campbell