Middle Class PledgeThis petition is to commit ourselves and our elected representatives to restoring the American Middle Class. We must unite and and exercise our power to heal our economy and restore prosperity.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dean Moulopoulos
Protect Kids from Nuclear Radiation - Club Iwate PrefecturePlease help us protect our children. It is disturbing that so little has been done to reduce the radiation exposure to children in Iwate. We are to present a petition to the Mayor of Morioka-City to demand countermeasures against the nuclear radiation caused by the radioactive leak from the Fukushima reactors. The original website link for the petition (in Japanese) is as follows: http://ameblo.jp/miraieforchildren-iwate/entry-11076647545.html36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by 志保 (Shiho)
Congress: Let the Bush tax cuts end in 2012, and don't cut Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security. Rai...-NO to the Bush tax cuts that are trillions of dollars for millionaires and billionaires in the 1%; a tax cut the G.O.P. killed the deficit supercommittee to protect -NO to cuts to vital services for the 99%, like Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid -DO NOT balance the books on the backs of the poor, elderly and most vulerable61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brennan Balestrieri
End unregulated corporate giving in politicsWe have too much money in politics already but at least you can usually tell where it came from. I believe the Supreme Court decision is ludicrous. I believe it has NO history outside of the Courts. They legislated and that's wrong.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ruth Schimelpfenig
Rep. Amash: Vote to extent unemployment insurance before the holidaysOn December 31, federal unemployment insurance will run out for millions of Americans. Let's sign this petition to show Rep. Amash that we want him to make it a priority to extend the unemployment insurance before he takes his holiday break.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brad Langerak
For a Constitutional Amendment to Federally fund all House, Senate and Presidential electionsRemoving the influence of outside monies on the electoral process thereby returning the focus of elected offiials to the voters who elect them. Personal fortunes would not be allowed by a candidate. The election cycle would be shortened to six months. Candidates would qualify for federal election funds through a petition process carried out by volunteers.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James DeVito
Stop Defense Authorization Bill from stepping on the Sixth AmendmentThe 2012 Defense Authorization Act contains a clause allowing the military to detain indefinitely, WITHOUT TRIAL or the burden of having to provide proof to a judge, anyone the government might think is a terrorist. This includes U.S. Citizens. The director of the CIA doesn't even want this kind of power so why should you let your government have it. Since voting against a Defense funding act is political suicide this little clause, that stomps all over the Sixth Amendments right to a trial, will pass and your civil liberties go with it. You need to put pressure on Congress and the White House to stop this from happening. Signing this petition will also encourage President Obama keep his commitment to veto this Bill. Wired.com has a great article here: http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/12/senate-military-detention77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patrick Smith
Voter IdentificationA requirement for photo identification will make it difficult for many citizens to vote. Registered voters who do not have government issued photo identification are facing the possibility of being turned away at the polls for the first time. A registration card or another piece of mail addressed to the voter should be sufficient.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alicia Suenaga
A Constitutional Amendment to Limit Political Contributions and Ban Professional LobbyingSection 1. No citizen shall contribute more than $1,000.00 directly or indirectly to influence an election per election cycle. Contributions by non-citizens are prohibited. Section 2. Only citizens may attempt to influence legislative or executive action. Nor shall any person be permitted to act in such manner for compensation.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by George Schuhmann
27, hard working and recently considered worthlessI'm Lauren and I'm one of many hard-working, awesome Americans that just happens to have a life altering disease. Since I was 24, I have had this sneaking suspicion that I was very ill. Unfortunately, I was uninsured. As 25, I was at work waiting tables and very suddenly lost the use of my legs. Needless to say, crawling isn't good form in a restaurant so I broke down and went to the ER. Two weeks later I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a disease that attacks the protective coating around the chocolate center that is your nerves. Eventually, I lost sight in my right eye, most of my balance and at 27, I fall multiple times everyday. I've been working since I was 14, am trying to go to school to become a therapist to help people in my condition and I think I'm a decent person. Still, I'm pretty sure that every time I hear certain people talk about how their taxes shouldn't pay for my medicine, they're really saying that it's not worth it to them if I live. If you have a friend of a friend like me, tell everyone that they're worth your money by signing.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lauren Wycoff
Protect our freshwater!Hydraulic fracturing must be banned to protect the largest source of above-ground freshwater in the world, the Great Lakes and their feeder water system inside the State of Michigan, from use by hydraulic fracturing companies seeking to drill for natural gas in Michigan shale. Every time a well is "fracked" 3 to 5 or more million(Chesapeake Energy states 5 million is average) gallons of water are poisoned and lost to us forever. Chesapeake also says, "Use of this water in natural gas and oil operations is a one-time use, and does not represent a long-term commitment of the resource. Other water users typically consume water for years, decades or even longer. How Much Is 5 Million Gallons?The 5 million gallons of water needed to drill and fracture a typical deep shale gas or oil well is equivalent to the amount of water consumed by: New York City in approximately seven minutes A 1,000 megawatt coal-fired power plant in 12 hours A golf course in 25 days 7.5 acres of corn in a season While these represent continuing consumption, the water used for a natural gas or oil well is a one-time use." The only problem with their information is that water used for those things is RETURNED TO THE WATER CYCLE for our use again. Their "one-time use" is a permanent loss of water. When they add frack chemicals to it, it is gone. Lost...lost....lost.2,741 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Cherie Walters
End Mandatory Cell Data PlansI believe that it is wrong for Cell phone companies to continually charge consumers for Cell Data plans when FREE Wi-Fi is a better solution for many. Why should I have to pay $30 or more per month to enjoy the latest in Smart Phones or the iPhone? If Apple can make an iPod Touch that does exactly everything the iPhone does but just can't make calls then I am sure that the technology is there for one to be able to use WiFi or the DATA plan17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Strauss