• Stop Tax Loopholes
    Background: By using tax loopholes, America's largest corporation, General Electric, paid no taxes (that's right, zero dollars) in 2010 on profits of $14.2 billion while claiming a tax benefit (loophole) of $3.2 billion. This isn't an unusual case - this is fairly typical of what big business gets away with in the United States.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Huie
    Our Democracy has become threatened by corporate, PAC, and lobbyist undue influence on elections and politicians. The only way to restore a true democracy is to have our political leaders free from the influence of money to support their campaigns. It is time for Public Financing of elections, without loopholes.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Fairfield
  • Hillary Clinton for Veep 2012
    To strengthen the Barack Obama ticket in 2012, he and Hillary Clinton need to be convinced that she should be his Vice Presidential running mate.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Cronin Moore
  • Get Jim Cantiello to interview Chris Colfer, and Darren Criss
    Almost one year since the beginning of Klaine, an international tour, and another season underway...and yet no Darren Criss and Chris Colfer interview. Look at your life, look at your choices, and ask yourself: Is this fair? No. It's not. So let's do something about it! These two individuals are one of the most, if not THE most unique, ground-breaking, beautiful, and organic couple on TV. In real life they are talented beyond compare, they influence and are role models to millions of people. With their charisma, dedication, and heart put into everything they believe in, its not hard to see why so many people love them. The world has been deprived of this interview for too long! That ends now!
    1,342 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ofelia Rodriguez
  • Let the #occupychicago movement stay in Grant Park without arrests
    Don't let the Chicago movement be forced out of Chicago. Let those who occupy the streets have a base where they can stay, regardless that the park arbitrarily closes at 11 p.m.
    13,885 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Wyl Villacres
  • Ask the FDA to require recyclable Rx bottles
    3.7 billion prescriptions were filled in retail pharmacies in the United States in 2010 (1). That is an awful lot of plastic. Unfortunately, the bottles used for these prescriptions are often not recyclable (2). Many states also prohibit pharmacies from reusing prescription bottles (3). (1) http://www.statehealthfacts.org/profileind.jsp?sub=66&rgn=1&cat=5 (2) http://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/recycling/questions/can-i-recycle-my-used-prescription-bottles (3) http://www.suddenlyfrugal.com/2008/10/random-reusables-follow-up-on-prescription-bottles/
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Lee
  • Corporations are NOT people!
    To petition our representatives to create and sign a very simple amendment to our Constitution which dictates that corporations are NOT people and do not share ANY of our rights!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Martinez
  • Representation Taxation
    Corporations must employ American workers in order to receive any tax relief from the taxpayer. If they hold on to windfall profits without building industry or outsource for cheaper labor, then they lose every tax loophole.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Shear Schrader
  • Mayor Coleman Allow Occupy Columbus, Ohio
    Mayor Coleman is not allowing Occupy Columbus to happen for more than a day. Ask him to stand for peoples constitutional right to assemble.
    1,752 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Crichton
  • Mayor Coleman Allow Occupy Columbus, Ohio
    Mayor Coleman has opposed the Occupy Columbus and will only allow it to go for a day. Let him know we would like the cities cooperation in this effort in order to begin a peaceful protest.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Crichton
  • Wall Street Reform
    The primary function of our government is to protect the lives and property of its citizens from external and internal assault. If it fails there, what use is it?
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Dubois
  • *Congressional Reform Act of 2011*
    This is one idea that really should be passed around. I received it by email and it said that Warren Buffet is the author. While I can not confirm that, this is a really good set of corrections to the current Congress, and I submit it as a petition. THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS!!!!! If you agree with the above, please sign this petition.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Straubg