Save school librariesSchool libraries nationwide continue to be decimated and closed by exclusion from Race To The Top (RTTT) and Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) funding currently up for renewal in congress. Teacher Librarians and well stocked school libraries not only instill a love of reading and access to books, e-books and computers, but are often the only place where ALL students, especially those living in poverty, receive access to those resources and training from a qualified teacher in cyber safety and Information Literacy research skills; how to find, evaluate and appropriately use a spectrum of print and digital media and information. Democracy depends on an informed citizenry of lifelong learners. If reading support and Information Literacy training vanish from our school libraries, or if our school libraries close, our whole nation is dumbed down.255 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Linda Roche
Reform our Educational SystemUse Elysianworld's educational system to prepare people for the jobs that they love. Check out www.elysianworld.com14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jerry Perkins
CLOSE THE HALLIBURTON LOOPHOLEIn 2005 , behind closed doors, Dick Cheney, former CEO of Halliburton, exempted the Gas and Oil Industries from the Clean Air and Clean Water Act. Clean air and clean water is a basic human right which no man has the right to take away from another man. This action was knowingly carried out in order to create the unregulated situation we are in today, where these industries are free to poison our air and inject toxic chemicals into the earth through Hydro Fracking and other extraction techniques . If it cannot be done safely, it cannot be done at all.987 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Daryl Kerrigan
Stop Foreclosures NowSTOP IT FROM HAPPENING TO YOU CitiMortgage approached me and offered me a "Home Affordable Modification" which decreased my house payments by $500 per month. After two years in this program and making all payments, I was notified that I did not qualify for the program and CitiMortgage wanted $25,000. Then, I contacted "Hope" and they made arrangements with me and CitiMortgage to have me go back to making my original payment before the reduction. Then, CitiMortgage sold my loan to Vericrest. Vericrest would not let me make a payment unless it was in the amount of $25,000. Since I unfortunately did not have $25,000 laying around, my loan was recorded with Sacramento county for foreclosure. Now I am once again having to spend money to fight them. How is this legal ? And what happened to truth and justice! Stop Foreclosures Now! This effects all of us. Please sign and share.66 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Benjamin R French
2012 Child Support Reform Act.In Brief, This petition is about reforming the Child Support Guidlines,There are way to many Non Custodian Parents that are suffering due to the unfair treatments of the Court System,and the Continous Abusive use of the Court System By the Custodial Parent, for personal Gain.1,197 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jason Allison
Campaign finance reformRight now corporations and wealthy individuals can provide enough funding to cause a candidate of their choice to be elected to public office. Politicians are essentially bribed by wealthy constituents or corporations so they don't work for the people who elected them when they get into office. They work for the special interests of the people or corporations who funded their campaigns. There should also be oversight and limits placed on lobbyists in Washington DC regarding their ability to spend money on politicians.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by beth valdez
Save Canton Lake!Over 20,000 residents of Canton and neighboring communities rely on Canton Lake for clean drinking water, and the West and Middle Branches of Copperas Creek provide some of the highest quality wildlife habitat, hunting, and fishing left in Fulton County. But the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has tentatively decided to issue water pollution permits for a 1,084 acre strip coal mine that would send additional pollution into Canton Lake and Copperas Creek, and allow for the destruction of miles of tributary streams. Even worse, the applicant is the same group responsible for the disastrous Industry Mine in McDonough and Schuyler Counties – which has violated the Clean Water Act by discharging polluted water at levels above its permit over 300 times since 2003! Despite ongoing legal action by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office and widespread local opposition the Industry Mine is still not complying with the law. How can Illinois EPA even consider issuing a permit to a company with such a bad record so close to a source of clean drinking water? Take Action Now! 1. Sign the petition and tell Governor Quinn and Illinois EPA not to issue permits that threaten clean drinking water! No permits for mining companies that are already violating the Clean Water Act. 2. Join Us At The Meeting CACEI December Meeting 10:00 am, December 3, 2011 and at the Fulton County Health Department Public Hearing on North Canton Mine Water Permits at 5:00 pm on December 6, 2011 at the Donaldson Center This petition and associated signatures will be forwarded to Gov. Quinn and Illinois EPA as part of our campaign to protect Canton Lake and Copperas Creek from strip mining pollution. By submitting this form, your name and address will be filed with a public agency and become public record. We will not use your personal information for any other purpose.245 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Natalie
Service not SurveillanceBig Corporations are increasingly ramping up their data mining activities buying, selling, and trading profiles on customers and citizens. At the very same time many corporate special interests are pouring millions of dollars to lobby for censorship bills like SOPA & PIPA. Businesses should provide services not surveillance, sign to support stronger protections for individuals privacy and freedom of speech and repeal “Corporate Personhood”. Because We The People, are not international mega corps.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Justin Nafziger
A moratorium on home foreclosures and evictionsIn light of the current foreclosures crisis in our state and the fact that empty, bank owned properties are bad for our communities and state. Because it is becoming increasingly apparent that up to 80% of these foreclosures may be illegal, we do hereby propose a petition to halt all foreclosures and evictions until issues relative to MERS, chain of title issues, robo signing and other possible foreclosure fraud are investigated and dealt with.Homeowners should not be displaced when there is question as to the legality of the foreclosures in the first place. This is not just a homeowner issue but an issue that affects every citizen of Washington state. Empty, bank owned homes are bad for our state.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Darnell
Stop Unauthorized "Egg-Sharing" by US Fertility DoctorsAccording to an independent audit that was conducted after the FBI was informed, it appears that IVF (in-vitro fertilization) patients throughout the US are being routinely de-frauded by a heinous, yet common practice that is referred to by fertility doctors in this country as "Egg-Sharing." Without the patients' knowledge or consent, fertility doctors routinely steal a portion of the eggs and embryos obtained from each IVF procedure, and sell them to stem cell researchers and wealthy infertile couples who are willing to pay a substantial fee to these fertility doctors in order to bypass the typical two-year waiting list for an egg donor in this country. In the process, these doctors have created a generation of genetic orphans, who are not genetically-related to one or both of their parents, and who have been robbed of having any knowledge about, or access to, their true genetic origin. Yet, driven by a strong, instinctual need that many humans have to know their true identity, they will someday soon begin searching for their true genetic roots. There is only one feasible and effective way to help these people, and that's by creating a volunteer, discreet and strictly confidential DNA registry of any/all women who have undergone a transvaginal or laproscopic IVF, GIFT and/or ZIFT procedure in the United States. We will need to be patient and understanding with women who fear that they may be contacted without notice, or at an inconvenient time, by a child (or children) they never knew they had. Hopefully, we can earn their trust, appealing to their sense of integrity and compassion for a possible child of their's, who may be earnestly searching for them, but not with the desire for a child-parent relationship. In most cases, these children will only be searching for a better understanding of themselves, and perhaps some information about their genetic health history. It would be wise to require, when a match is discovered, that the "children" be at least 18 years old (or if younger, with the consent of their parents), and participate in a mandatory meeting with an experiened therapist, to hopefully work through any unreasonable expectations, dreams or hopes they may have, before speaking with and/or meeting with their genetic parent. Every single dime spent on this enormous project will be paid by a heafty, annual tax imposed on each and every fertility doctor in the US IVF industry, and the presence of a mandatory, on-site Bio-Integrity Supervisor will henceforth be required at every single IVF procedure in the US. There's no other way to stop the practice of unauthorized egg-sharing in America.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Teri Royal
A Cut in all Politicians’ Pay, Social Security and HealthcareAll politicians’ salaries, Social Security benefits and healthcare costs shall not exceed the current middle-class medium of their respective states33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by J America
SAVE THE HORSESStop all horse slaughter Stop all wild horse round ups and give the horses the land Congress gave them in 1971; obey the law and protec them.143 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Dr. Susannah Smith