Create community support to meet with 4 monopoly Banks and demand they stop all illegal foreclosures.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Floyd
  • NO GMOs
    We have the write to know what is in our food.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raymond Fontanes
  • Ralphs/Kroger Co. Save the Rewards Program
    On March 31, 2012 Ralph's and their parent company Kroger will no longer be sending out vouchers to Rewards customers. Tell them we still need these savings! Sign, call, write, and email them it's wrong!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JENNIE BLAGG
  • GMO Labeling
    GMO labeling -- Americans care about what's in their food. Espically now with the pink slime in hamburger meat which we have a right to know. I'm very unhappy with the FDA about not wrning Americans what in thier food and Medications. FDA is not doing their job. If I didn't do my I would be fired. Americans agree on labeling GMOs. This issue cuts across partisan lines, and our leaders in Washington need to do thier job, and stop sidestepping this issue any longer.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Agatha Padilla
  • Break Up and Auction Off BoA!
    It's time to put a stop to BoA's absurd corruption, irresponsibility, and poisoning of the American financial system!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erik Johnson
  • Protect our food security and agricultural integrity
    I wish to speak out again the domination of big money corrupting our food system, destroying our small and family farms and disrupting the world wide food security through GMO foods!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Hinman
  • Label geneticically modified foods
    The FDA needs to require foods that use GMO's to label accordingly.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jose gonzales
  • PASS Bill  S. 1039. Electrical Utility Deregulation in South Carolina and The Competitive Power A...
    The People Deserve a Choice ! Competition benefits the consumer - The VOTER.  ****PASS Bill  S. 1039. Electricity Dereg in SC.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark A. Hagins
  • FACEBOOK: Don't Go Public with a White, Male Board
    In February, Facebook announced its $5 billion IPO -- with only white men on its board. Now we're calling on Facebook to expand its board before the company goes public in June.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alice L. Baumgartner
  • Tell the Unicameral: Vote No on TransCanada’s LB1161, Stop the “Pipeline Six”
    Six of the eight members of the Nebraska Unicameral’s Natural Resources Committee have become pro-pipeline activists, voting through their committee a bill that would give TransCanada a free pass to determine a pipeline route through Nebraska and to seize private property through eminent domain on a “fast track.” LB1161 circumvents existing Nebraska state law that would require any major oil pipeline project to first obtain approval through a Nebraska Public Service Commission process. LB1161 would set a dangerous precedent by allowing a foreign corporation (which currently has no pending permit for a pipeline) to enact immediate powers of eminent domain, as if they were a public utility with the proper authority and permits. The unicameral worked hard during the special session in November to pass laws that would give Nebraskans input and oversight over where and how pipelines would cross our state. Now, following the lead of TransCanada-loving Jim Smith (LD14), five other Natural Resources Committee senators Tom Carlson (LD38), Mark Christensen (LD44), Chris Langemeier (LD23), Beau McCoy (LD39) and Ken Schilz (LD47) are taking their pro-pipeline activism to the rest of the unicameral for a vote. It seems the “Pipeline Six” are in TransCanada’s pocket, doing anything they ask rather than representing Nebraska citizens and our natural resources. Nebraskans deserve better. We deserve leaders who represent our interests, not the interests of a foreign corporation. We demand leaders who will take necessary action to protect and preserve our state’s land and water--not corporate puppets that will do anything in their power to ensure this pipeline is built. We will not allow this political pandering of a few state senators willing to sell out our state’s natural resources and our people’s personal property rights to their Big Oil buddies.
    1,776 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jane Fleming Kleeb
  • Bring Trader Joe's to the Lehigh Valley
    Trader Joe's is an amazing grocery store with organic, natural foods at affordable costs. They only move into areas with a certain population - usually young, hip, artsy, natural-foods loving people! Let's show them how much the Lehigh Valley fits into their perfect community of Trader Joe's-loving-customers! Sign this petition to show your support for a Trader Joe's in the Lehigh Valley!
    4,856 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Alexandra Milspaw
  • Charter for a new type of Bank
    Creating a new type of bank that will perform it's duties more fairly in the interest of their clients. The goal is to create a bank type that will replace the culture of preditory and profiteering practices with one of guaridanship and fairness.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fair Financial Practices