• Save the United States Postal Service
    USPS management is proposing a drastic downsizing and service reduction. In part, it is due to an unreasonable requirement instituted by G.W. Bush through the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006, which requires the prefunding of retiree health benefits for 75 years within ten years. H.R. 1351 will relieve the some of the most unfair aspects of this legislation and refund to the USPS part of the current overpayment.
    21,858 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Hines
  • Let Seniors use the short tax form
    Senior Taxpayers must slog through more than 100 pages of incomprehensible 1040 long form instructions or hire professional help,even if they do not claim any itemized deductions. THIS IS A TOTALY UNNECESSARY !! THE IRS SHOULD FOLLOW THE LEAD OF 15 STATES which allow seniors to use their short tax form when filing state income taxes. FIVE OF THESE STATES distribute free software for these simple state income tax forms, that can be used on any computer which automatically performs all mathematical functions, and compute the taxes due the state or the rebate due the taxpayer; _________________________
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roland Boucher
  • Boycott Frank and Frary!
    Pomona College's recent work authorization document check has sent fear throughout this campus considering that the already racist, anti-immigrant climate of the US is at its worst yet. As students, faculty, staff, and supporters, we cannot watch as our fellow community members are intimidated by an action meant to silence us. We must take action immediately and call for at least a minimum of pushing back the December 1st deadline for documents, if not a complete moratorium on the document check. Workers have called for a boycott of Frank and Frary dining halls on Wednesday, November 30th and it is our time now to support them!
    284 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Anthony F
  • Hey Congress, we STILL need a jobs bill!
    Congress has been fiddling while American families burn. It has to stop. Our national infrastructure needs hundreds of billions of dollars of work, and millions of Americans are unemployed and desperate for jobs. It is time for Congress to put petty politics aside and do the work Americans need it to do.
    368 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Keith Rouda
  • Permit City Cycle Tours to operate in New Orleans
    We are calling on the New Orleans City Council and Mayor Landrieu to permit the City Cycle to operate in New Orleans.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Boe
  • No representation no pay
    stop paychecks and benefits to Congress and Senators until they star listening and representing us. They need to earn their pay. No more free lunch
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Colas
  • Anthropoids for Free Enterprise in Athens, GA
    With a 39% poverty rate, Athens-Clarke County cannot afford the longstanding NIMBY tactics practiced by a tiny coterie of political extremists. Signing this petition acknowledges the Constitutional establishment of private property and free enterprise under our democratic republic. We call on our elected officials to help businesses bring jobs to those who desperately need them, which will help take them out of public housing and off welfare.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mr. Weird F. Menace
  • Energy Efficiency Subsidies
    Whether our country moves toward adopting wind, solar, geo-thermal, or other ways of heating, cooling, or providing electricity for our homes and businesses , energy efficiency is key in reducing the demand for power while creating hundreds of thousands of jobs right off the batt. Homes, institutions and business account for the majority of our energy use. We need to provide incentives to businesses, public buildings, and private homes to install comprehensive energy saving measures.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erlend Kimmich
  • MDOL Revision of Work Week definition for overtime pay
    Many employers are overlapping schedules so that one workweek overlaps into a second workweek. Because of present labor laws on over time and what is defined as a workweek, the employer is exempt from paying overtime or from giving a day off to the employees even after they've worked for 40 hours. Many employees are working 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 full time consecutive work days without a day off and with no overtime pay.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Anthony
  • Get the 99% Deficit Proposal Heard in Congress
    Ask the Congressional Super Committee to consider taxing the super-wealthy and tax-dodging corporations instead of cutting critical social programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. A deficit reduction proposal has been researched and prepared by Occupy Washington, DC. You can read the entire text at:
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jay Heyman
  • Support Mass Transit benefits!
    Federal tax law allows employees to use pre-tax dollars to pay for their commuting expenses. In 2012 the maximum tax-free discount to each employee for TRANSIT will be $125 per month, but for PARKING it is $240 per month!! This is a change from last year when congress had the levels equals for parking and transit. Commuters who use mass transit should get the same benefit as drivers!!!
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Pomes
  • Start Fighting Back!
    The airwaves are full of commercials with Bill Clinton saying there should be no new taxes and President Obama saying we need to tax the wealthy. There has been zero response from the Democratic National Committee or Bill Clinton refuting these commercials. This pathetic behavior needs to stop. We the democratic people demand that you start fighting back now.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Cox