2,157 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by pablo murphy
  • Petition to Support and Confirm Phillip H. Kwon's Nomination to the NJ Supreme Court
    I strongly support Mr. Phillip H. Kwon's nomination to the New Jersey Supreme Court.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Korean American Voters Council NJ
  • Obama...Make them get up off the MHA money
    After a 2 year battle to keep my home, Morgan Stanley has shuffled me from servicer to servicer causing my loan mod app to be started and restarted, with me faxing and refaxing the same documents, them losing documents and then finding them only after they are over 30 days old and can't be used because they are outdated. I have been subjected throughout the last two years to my documents laying around on someones desk for months at a time, all the while getting further and further behind in my payments.....I desperately need help. I have had my home for 12 years and had a horrible accident that wiped out my business, totaled my transportation and landed me in the hospital. I did not intentionally default.....I just want to keep the only thing I have left.....My home
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beverly Wright
    The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) allows for the indefinite detention of American Citizens without due process as allowed by the 6th Amendment of our U.S. Constitution. This means that the military can come into your home under the Patriot Act, which sidesteps the 4th Amendment, and arrest you, and indefinitely detain FOREVER, for any reason they see fit. The language in NDAA is not specific as to what a person would be detained for. They could assume your posts on Facebook are associated with a dangerous organization or terrorism. The bill is written in such a way that they have full autonomy to decide what they consider a threat to be.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Jordan
  • "Right to Work" is Wrong for Michigan
    Recently, with over 22,000 protesters outside the Indiana Statehouse, Gov. Mitch Daniels signed a so-called “right-to-work” bill into law. Here in Michigan, a group of extreme Lansing politicians are trying to pass a similar bill. Let’s call this what it is – a blatant power grab by corporate special interests that will give more profits to greedy CEOs at the expense of our jobs, our retirement security, and our kids’ future. It’s not often that we agree with Gov. Snyder, but during recent testimony on Capitol Hill, Snyder said "right-to-work" is “a very divisive issue,” and that “I don’t believe it’s appropriate in Michigan during 2012.” With Michigan’s unemployment rate at 9.3-percent, we can’t afford to waste time on controversial policies like "right-to-work", which have failed to create jobs in other states.
    10,485 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Todd Cook, We Are The People Michigan
  • Stop attacks on AZ firefighters, teachers and others who keep our communities safe and strong
    Taking a page out of the playbooks of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, extreme Arizona lawmakers are pushing a series of bills attacking firefighters, teachers, nurses and others who work hard to keep our communities safe and strong. These bills would lead to larger class sizes in our schools, more dangerous working conditions for firefighters and police officers and making our communities less safe. As in Wisconsin and Ohio, these measures are not about balancing Arizona’s budget and are not about jobs. They are about the destructive political agenda of right-wing politicians and their corporate funders are pushing across the country to consolidate their power.
    12,759 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Rebekah Friend, Arizona AFL-CIO
  • President Obama, Save our food chain now.
    Stop Monsanto and GMO foods. Dont they see what this is doing to our health? Europe is way ahead of us and this is banned there. They talk talk talk about health care and the reason so many our sick is the Fricken Food Chain. Here we are the best country in many ways to live in and we have the worst food. It is all about the money and greed. Please help us stop this silent war on the american people and let us afford HEALTHY FOOD.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denice Watts
  • Facebook Timeline
    Tell Facebook to make the new format (Timeline) optional and not force us into it.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FRANK LATTANZIO
  • Support for New Northeast Schools
    Dear USD 259 Resident: The boundary proposals for the new northeast schools do not provide for a K-8 school or a comprehensive high school as promised in the 2008 bond election. Residents understand the significant cuts in funding from the State of Kansas, but are encouraging USD259 with the following recommendations to work together to fulfill the commitment of the 2008 bond election. 1. Support Supposal 4 for the K-5 boundary and develop a plan to expand the elementary to a K-8 school as promised; 2. Reserve spots for students residing near the new high school to attend the magnet program being relocated to the new school that would address overcrowding at Heights and develop a plan to expand to a comprehensive high school to serve students in this area as promised. If you agree with these recommendations, please complete this VERY simple on-line support petition. Thank you for your support!
    229 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ty Lasher
  • Longevity credit for United and Continental furloughees
    We believe the sacrifices of our pilots deserve Longevitiy credit for our time on furlough as other carriers have set this standard. Active UA and CAL pilots please comment your employee number so you can be considered part of a voting block. Furloughed pilots please include your employee number. Other carriers, retirees, or industry employees signatures and comments are welcome.
    816 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Whitfiled
  • Legalization of Marijuana
    The legalization of Marijuana for medicinal, and recreational use. Recent studies show Marijuana is a safer, and more effective alternative to prescription medicine for pain, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, etc. Outdated laws, and ignorance have impeded the the growth and development of this natural, highly effective medicine. No strong physiological addiction has been shown for marijuana. Which is far less than Alcohol, and tobacco (some studies show to be more addictive than cocaine). Marijuana use is far less dangerous to your body as well. There has never been a death as a direct cause from the use of Marijuana.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Hale
  • Allow Tennessee Limo Services to charge as little as they choose!
    Nashville’s Metropolitan Transportation Licensing Commission (MTLC) conducted a sting operation against Metro Livery, an affordable limousine and town car service that is currently suing Nashville in federal court. Metro Livery’s crime? Charging its customers less than the government-mandated $45 minimum fare.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Reilly