Cut Congress and Representatives payLowering the current deficite appears to be the focus of the current Congress and Senate. They are hell bent on cutting the programs that assist many during this economical downfall. If they are as serious as they claim they are they should start with their salary's. If they expect us all to make concessions then they should lead by example and start with their salary.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by V Hughes
Airline luggage fees!!!Why should we pay these fees when we never have ? The industry made more than a billion dollars in 2009 from these unnecessary fees. It's pure profit for something we've had free forever. Delta is the big winner . More than half was Paid to delta!8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Keath Williams
Hands off Wisconsin Retirement SystemGovenor Walker should not even consider changing the Wisconsin Retirement System to allow public employee members to participate in any other program than the state system.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas/Lois Altenburg
Private Water Rights Being StrippedRiparian Water Rights Being Taken from Citizens1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathie Muth
Marital Rape Exemptions are DiscriminatoryMore than half of the states in the United States have various laws that don't allow married rape victims to prosecute their spouse for raping them. (For instance in my home state of Washington, if you are married and raped by your spouse, as a married victim you are not allowed to 1) file charges against your husband for raping you if you are disabled and your spouse is your caregiver, or 2) file charges against your spouse if the rape falls within 3rd degree rape guidelines.) Certain states have different statutes of limitations as well, such as requiring significantly shorter reporting times for married persons, while offering much longer time to single rape victims to report having been raped. Those rules are not only discriminatory, but unfair as married persons often require more time to report the crime because often they share children and property with their rapist. Married rape victims not only suffer the additional emotional trauma with regard to how being raped by a spouse is a deeper betrayal of trust, but also have more to consider and more to prepare for with regard to separating themselves and their children from their rapist safely. Shorter reporting times for spousal rape victims are not only discriminatory, but are counter productive as in some cases, these laws force spousal rape victims to choose between reporting the crime or having themselves and their children safely out of the home. Laws or rules that separate rape victims into two groups - married vs unmarried - are discriminatory. Having different laws for each group is discriminatory. Not allowing rape victims equal access to the justice system solely because they are married to the person that raped them, is discriminatory. We are asking that the federal government formally declare this distinction between married and unmarried rape victims, and their resulting selective laws and rules as discriminatory, and force all states bearing these discriminatory laws aimed at rape victims to remove them so ALL victims of rape have the same access to the justice system, reporting requirements, and statute of limitations, regardless of marital status.199 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Edwards
Stop Drug Price-GougingPrivate and employer health insurance plans classify prescriptions using tiers to differentiate among generic, brand name and "non-preferred" brand name drugs. Any medication costing more than $600 is automatically placed on a specialty tier that requires patients to pay from 25 to 33 percent or more - rather than a flat rate. For many seniors on a fixed income, these life-saving drugs for everything from cancer to rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple sclerosis can cost upwards of $1,700 per month. Seniors who can't afford the medication often go without treatment.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Becky Beaman
Shands Jacksonville Medical Center Granted Protection for Medical MistakesGov. Rick Scott's approval to sheild Shands Jacksonville from malpractice has opponents of the bill who have expressed concern that hospital staff may not perform as carefully as they should if immunity is extended. Victims of medical negligence at hospitals with sovereign immunity will have little or no recourse for covering their damages.This is because medical negligence claims are extremely complex and expensive to litigate. If a claimant must spend $50,000 on expert witnesses to bring the claim, by the time he or she has paid such expenses and lawyers, there is nothing left. As a result, there is no incentive for such victims to bring a claim. I know of no attorneys in Jacksonville who are currently willing to take cases against the doctors at Shands.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stacie Bennett
Vision Test for Safety in HuntingAs the recent accident in New England shows, hunters need to show they can see well enough before they are licensed to hunt.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Johnson
NDAAWe must defeat this new bill which allows Americans to be detained indefinitely. We have a bill of rights which makes this unconstitutional.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by CA Christianson
Revocation of Jamaican Food and Liquor business licenseJamaican Food and Liquor has for years acted as a refuge for drug dealing, has become the leading contributor to public intoxication, and is the most menacing business in within the 4th Ward community. The end of Jamaican Food and Liquor is now beginning. On the 12th of January, 2012, a hearing will be held to decide whether or Jamaican Food and Liquor will be allowed to keep their business license. This petition will be presented the hearing officer on behalf of the community. Please sign, so that we can shut this menacing business down once and for all.101 of 200 SignaturesCreated by James
Gov. walker, Where,s the proof for voter ID?The Governor and his henchmen have forced Voter I.d. in the State of Wisconsin. What they have not done is show the need for it. Where are the statistics to show that voter fraud is a large problem. The tax payers are going to spend millions on this so-called problem. GOVENER WALKER, SHOW US THE PROOF!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bob Knudson