• put out a resource program the radio for financial education for the less fortunate and undereduc...
    low income and impoverished people have no leadership that is showing them concrete things that they can do today to increase the quality of life, decrease homeownerships rising cost, increase real world education and financial literacy, and build generational wealth and employment
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rashad
  • put out a resource program the radio for financial education for the less fortunate and undereduc...
    low income and impoverished people have no leadership that is showing them concrete things that they can do today to increase the quality of life, decrease homeownerships rising cost, increase real world education and financial literacy, and build generational wealth and employment
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rashad
  • Mayor Gray: Don't balance the DC budget on the backs of the homeless!
    Mayor Gray just released his proposed budget for 2013. Instead of raising revenue from the 1%, the Mayor has decided to go ahead with a cut of $7,000,000 in funding to homeless shelters and transitional housing. Source: http://budget.dc.gov/budget-overview (Slide 29)
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Norton
  • A Gift to Social Security
    As a SENIOR I would like to contribute back into the Social Security Trust with a GIFT. Every April on TAX day, I w=ould to send a separate check to the TRUST. There are approximately 50 million Seniors and 50 million babyboomers that could leave a yearly GIFT to their children and grandchildren.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Zoladz
  • Disband the DCOA
    Stopping the development corporation of Abilene, Texas from using anymore of our tax money, and putting the remaining balance in to street repair in Abilene.
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Don Lemmons
  • Keep the Orbit Bus!
    Tempe officials are considering larger buses to replace the orbit bus! These buses are big, noisy and quite frankly stink!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Doe
  • Hey Liberty University, Drop Driscoll
    Mark Driscoll is a pastor and bestselling author with troubling views on gender roles and sexuality. We in the theraputic community are concerned about the number of people we have seen who have been negatively affected as a result of Mr. Driscoll's teachings.
    498 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Sophia's Voice
  • Show Congress WE Have the POWER to Support Our Future Electric Infrastructure
    As an ex-truck driver I used to drive the interstate highways of this great land. With the need to move in a green direction I think we should utilize the U.S. Interstate System to generate electricity. There is a lot of unused space between the lanes moving north and south, and east and west, and since the interstate system is set up as a grid it would seem useful to create an intiative to make use of the space. Since the costs of solar has been dropping it will make way for plans to do some good for all. Power stations can be set up for electric cars, build the infrastructure we need, and we can harness the power of the sun and use less fossil fuels. I think with the support of the government and useful support of taxpayer money it can help us all be progressive in moving forward. Please share this with your friends and family on facebook, twitter, and or by email. Thanks for signning and spreading the message.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Higgins
  • help for seniors/disabled
    securing riding carts in Aldis grocery stores for seniors and peple with disabilities.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by donald johnson
  • Separate Person's Experiencing Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities from KanCare
    Please take this opportunity to voice concern in regards to the state’s inclusion of Medicaid’s fee and community based services, managed and long-term care systems for the Intellectually and developmentally disabled(I/DD). With the aid of your support we hope that this petition will promote continuity of care and effectiveness of services for this population by amending KanCare to carve out long term care services from the Medicaid Reform Budget and proposed service delivery system. By signing this petition you reach out not only to our governor and the state of Kansas but also to the US House of Representatives and President Barack Obama. By targeting such structures we hope that we can effect timely and long-term change within the Kansas Legislature in concordance with this issue. Collected under one mission, we encourage and provide the opportunity for all to voice their specific concerns in regards to upcoming healthcare policy and (I/DD) populations. You’re participation is not only appreciated by us as advocates and students, but vital for the cessation of inclusion of this vulnerable population from the KanCare health policy. Will you sign the petition too? ____________________________________________________ Looking to find out more? House Panel Urged to Remove long-term DD servcies from KanCare: http://www.tilrc.org/assests/news/0312news/0312state14a.html Invisible Kansans: http://www.invisiblekansans.org/
    352 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Rowley
  • Mullet's Cable Wake Park (Land Use Proposal)
    Proposed cable wake park, indoor/outdoor skatepark, cabins for a sleep away camp, and nature trails in Hobe Sound Florida (between I-95 and the Turnpike north of Bridge Road
    552 of 600 Signatures
    Created by marcel mullet
  • Child Deaths and Near Deaths
    HB-200 for an independent committee to investigate child deaths and near deaths. HB-237 professionalizes the front line cabinet workers by requiring social work licensing.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry