• Faith communities for IVF and reproductive freedom!
    Struggling with fertility is an incredibly personal, challenging, and complex issue for individuals and families. Every single person deserves access to a full range of reproductive health options in order to help them plan their families and future—including access to IVF. And they deserve to know that they are supported and cared for by their faith communities as well, without stigma or shame.  An overwhelming majority of people in America—70%—support IVF, and that includes people across faiths. For thousands of people every year, IVF provides a pathway to parenthood, as nearly 2% of all pregnancies in the U.S. are a result of this critical form of reproductive care.  Yet, that has not stopped a small but powerful minority of Christian-nationalist politicians from trying to restrict access to IVF on the state and federal level. Earlier this year, the Alabama Supreme Court banned IVF in the state by twisting Christian teachings to justify asserting legal rights and protections for fertilized eggs. Missouri’s abortion ban, passed two years ago, has put access to IVF in limbo. And just this week, Senate Republicans blocked a federal bill that would protect IVF. These far-right leaders frequently weaponize faith to justify these restrictions. But our faith communities are diverse, and how we choose to define, build, and nurture our families is as well. We’re tired of the one-sided, partisan story that is being told about our faiths in order to undermine and restrict reproductive freedom. People across faiths and denominations support IVF and urge leaders to protect access!
    10,563 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Karli Wallace Thompson
  • Roman Morris Henry - Adoption into the Lower Sioux Indian Community
    Requires 90 signatures to be eligible for adoption into the tribe.  Thank you!
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Devyn Morris
  • No More Elon Musk Tax Breaks
    Workers who helped build and maintain the Tesla Austin plant say they were exploited and exhausted from the work. One worker who had his hand mangled at work said superintendents would pretend as if nothing happened. Safety training and documentation were also part of the agreement Musk made to get the tax breaks, but researchers say that some of those documents were filled out fraudulently.  Musk’s other company SpaceX is fighting to undo worker protections and get rid of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the federal agency in charge of worker and union protections. Recently, Musk filed a lawsuit to destroy the NLRB, ridiculously calling it “the very definition of tyranny.” Elon Musk is no friend of workers. One electric vehicle expert says this is “more than hiring inefficiency and restructuring … Musk is cleaning house.”  It should be a cautionary tale, but Musk’s company xAI recently announced they’re planning to build “the world’s largest supercomputer” in Memphis, TN and local lawmakers are already rushing to applaud him for creating good jobs. Whatever promises Elon Musk made to get the tax breaks, Tesla should not continue to get these massive tax breaks while it’s firing thousands and not taking safety seriously. 
    30,354 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Coworker Team
  • Petition for a Special National Congress
    In adherence to the constitutional framework 
    1,038 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tiisetso Rasheleng
  • Support Brain Lair Books & Other Diverse Independent Bookstores!
    Brain Lair Books is a cozy independent bookstore in South Bend, Indiana. It's been open since 2018, but over the past year has struggled to stay open due to the wave of book bans that swept Indiana and other conservative states. A law that was passed and implemented this year would criminalize school librarians if they distributed books that were deemed "obscene" or "harmful for minors." Many librarians are self-censoring out of fear, not ordering books for their libraries or classrooms, and local bookstores like Brain Lair Books are suffering. They could close by July—not just devastating to the owners, but to the children and adults who shop at Brian Lair Books, and the small and local authors that depend on it.  And this isn’t an isolated case.  Libraries and schools play a huge role in sales for authors and bookstores. And in cities and states where book bans are being placed, authors and bookstores can suffer a significant blow—even causing a book to go out of print or a bookstore to close. So much so that in Texas, a group of booksellers, publishers and authors banded together to challenge a book ban that would make selling to libraries and schools burdensome and unmanageable.  And in North Carolina, Liberation Station Bookstore, a Black-owned children’s bookstore, announced it was closing their downtown location after only a year of being open because of threats and intimidation.  Book bans are at an all time high. And this is part of an orchestrated attack by the GOP and far right. First, they ban books from schools and libraries. Then, they shutter independent bookstores. Eventually, these banned books disappear from the shelves altogether. As we push back against these draconian book bans, we also have to support the local independent bookstores that are on the frontlines—fighting not only to keep their shelves stocked and stores open, but to make sure generations of readers have access to books that make them feel seen, teach accurate history, and spark imaginations.  Urge local community members and leaders to show up and support Brain Lair Books and other independent bookstores! 
    586 of 600 Signatures
  • Urge Marriott: Don’t host extremist group Moms for Liberty in August!
    Moms for Liberty has orchestrated attacks on the rights of LGBTQ+ youth, public education, unions, and democracy. They are behind the wave of racist and anti-LGBTQ+ book bans that have swept the country. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, has been sounding the alarm on Moms for Liberty's dangerous activities. And disgraced former president Donald Trump said the group was "the best thing that ever happened to America." But the Marriott has decided to give them a platform—AGAIN—during their "Joyful Warrior" summit the weekend of August 28 in Washington, D.C.  Moms for Liberty has been accused of "terrorizing schools"—launching hateful harassment campaigns that have left educators, parents, lawmakers, and students in fear. They have used name calling and fear mongering to create hostile environments. They even showed up to a council member's house and threatened, "If you thought January 6 was bad, wait until you see what we have for you." Last year, a Moms for Liberty chapter in Indiana promoted a quote attributed to Adolf Hitler in their newsletter. This is the kind of propaganda that the JW Marriott can expect at the “Joyful Warriors'' summit. Marriott boasts about promoting a "culture of inclusion and belonging" and their LGBTQ+ resources group for employees. Yet, they are hosting a group that actively threatens the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ people. Previous Moms for Liberty summits included sessions like, "Protecting Kids from Gender Ideology" and "Comprehensive Sexual Education [CSE]: Sex Ed or Sexualization." GLAAD recently reported on the insidious rhetoric Moms for Liberty uses to vilify LGBTQ+ people, labeling them as "groomers" and warning against "indoctrination," all while chipping away at rights, support, and care for LGBTQ+ youth. Marriott can’t say it supports its LGBTQ+ employees and guests while putting them in danger by hosting a known anti-LGBTQ+ hate group.  Marriott has a history of hosting Moms for Liberty—including their summits in Philadelphia and Tampa. Enough! Demand that they disavow Moms for Liberty’s hateful agenda and refuse to host their 2024 summit! 
    17,380 of 20,000 Signatures
  • Boaters swim area addition
    Join our Petition to create more boaters swim areas and safe places for our children to grow up and enjoy nature . 
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Austin Burke
  • Save our beautiful New Rochelle beaches !
    The Long Island Sound is too special to lose due to an identifiable and fixable problem.
    173 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Chadwick
  • Protect the Right to Contraception NOW!
    First, abortion. Then, IVF. Now, conservative lawmakers are putting contraception at risk. Nearly all voters—Republicans, Democrats, and Independents—support the right to contraception. Millions of people use it to plan their families and manage their health. But instead of protecting this right and enshrining it into law, Republicans in the Senate blocked the Right to Contraception Act. Every American should have the freedom to use contraception if and when they need it—and the assurance that the government will never take it away from us. Right now, there’s another path forward. A discharge petition is circulating in the House of Representatives that, if they get enough signatures, would force the Republican majority to bring the Right to Contraception Act to a vote in the House. Sign the petition to urge your representative to support the right to contraception, sign the discharge petition, and fight for our freedom to plan our families and our futures. 
    80,682 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Americans for Contraception
  • Monsignor Farrell Highchool Air Condition
    This is a important issue that needs to be fixed. As I stated not only will this provide a cool, calm, focused working space but it will also create a stress free area which will help students grades. Air Condition and cool air in general improves brain functions and process of material within the brain, this was proven by the National Institutes of Health. The improvements and changes that will be seen when air condition is put into rooms at Monsignor Farrell High School will be drastic. 
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Evangelos Laskaris
  • Impeach Judge Marcella Matos Wilson
    Judge Wilson took an oath to protect the rights of the people. Instead, she maliciously and arbitrarily deprives the people of the very rights she swore to protect. The NJ Consitution grants the people the power. WE are the government and when it needs to be reformed, we petition for redress. There is no authority in our country that allows a judge to strip families of their Constitutional rights. My children and I have been separated for 16 months and the pain is indescribable. Failure to uphold and protect our rights will not be tolerated by the citizens of NJ. If Judge Wilson has exempted my family from the Constitution, anyone else’s could be next. We must send a STRONG message that NJ Judges who wage war against the Constitution and our families have no place in our courts. Silence is consent. Please sign. WE THE PEOPLE!
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monica Ciardi
  • WYBL Takeover
    This is important to the kids of our town because we have had a successful league here in Wellsville for over 10 years. We have lost a great number of kids to River Valley League in East Liverpool. If we continue on with no changes to the committee, it is very possible that our league will no longer exist within a couple of years. There are plenty of coaches and parents that care enough to turn this around and build the best possible league for our kids. 
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Adams