• Constitutional amendment to legalize the growing, selling and recreational use of marijuanna
    I believe it is time in the USA voting population to have the opportunity to vote on adding an amendment to the Bill of Rights to legalize the use, growth and selling of marijuana. It is time to end the War on Plants!!!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elmo C. Mason
  • Tell us the Truth.
    The government, the corporation, and Wall Street tells us lies about unemployment numbers, the stock market, the debt, our relationships with foreign countries, and many more things. If a collectivist economy is our destiny, just tell us the truth and explain why it is necessary. Let us hear the full story and give us the chance to participate, rather than having it thrust upon us through manipulation and lies.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryan W
  • Ending credit checks from hiring employers
    Your credit should not keep you from being hired. How is somebody suppose to get out of the cycle if they cannot get hired based on their credit score.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ken
  • Boycott Virginia
    Virginia propese that women be forced to undergo a transvaginal sonogram if they seek to terminate a pregnancy. This is "rape by the state" and is patently unconsititutional. This must be stopped and an economic boycott is the means to effect a change.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by joel palmer
  • Keep Church and State Separate
    Making sure government does not infringe on religious freedom.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David A Perryman
  • Saturday Voting Day- Nationwide
    In 2012, we have seen record lows of voter registration and engagement across most states. A Saturday Voting Day--Nationwide--would help to ensure that more people can have access to carpooling, GOTV campaigns, and more. This would also help awareness and almost eliminate the lack of appeal to leave work to vote.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Riana Lynn
  • Reinstate Charitable IRA Rollover
    Please write to your Congress People in your state and ask them to reinstate the Charitable IRA Rollover benefit.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Phelan
  • Congress, subsidize gas prices until Iran goes broke.
    We don't have to bomb Iran about their nuclear program since they let us into their sites to check them and all we need to do is bomb any attempt to build missile silos since that would be the indication that they are not just in it for peaceful purposes and Congress can pass legislation to subsidize gas prices to keep our economy going until Iran goes broke since we can.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Earl Kennedy
  • Get Goldman Sachs out of the White House
    I'm tired of the influence Wall Street and the Banks have on the White House and Public Policy. There is a conflict of interest, and many of the executives should be tried and imprisoned for theft and wrong doing.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donohue
  • Help Our Local Labor Force
    Petition our Legislative Branches to pass a law to mandate all U. S. stores to display at least 30% (+ or -) U. S. made products on their store shelves. (I had this idea when I was looking for a garden hose & nozzle at The Home Depot). Most, approximately 95%, on display were "Made In China". Fortunately, there was an item "Not Made In China". It was MADE IN TAIWAN!) I hope moveon.org would imagine what this 30% +- will do to help our economy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Loy C. Rayos
  • Help Our Local Labor Force
    Petition our Executive Branch to pass a law to mandate all U. S. stores to add at least 30% (+ or -) U. S. made products on their store shelves. (I had this idea when I was looking for a garden hose & nozzle at The Home Depot). Most on display were "Made In China". Fortunately, there was an item "Not Made In China". It was MADE IN TAIWAN!) I hope moveon.org would imagine what this 30% +- will do to help our economy.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Loy C. Rayos
  • No Israeli attack on Iran! No WW 3 !
    Everyday you can get on Haaretz News (israeli news), information telling that a War with Iran is very possibily coming up. (http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/u-s-concerned-that-barak-is-pushing-for-israeli-attack-on-iran-1.413537) Have a look at IAEA (http://www.iaea.org/index.html) to see that there is no proof Nuclear weapon is being developped. To be in favour or against Nucelar is one thing, but leading to a war because a country is MAYBE developping nuclear weapon (without proof) is a dangerous action ! Even if Iran was developping Nuclear Waepon, it would be to a deterrence weapon, because it is surrounded by countries that have nuclear weapons (Israel, Pakistan, India). And even some high US responsibles says that Iran would be crazy not to develop nuclear weapon. But it does not ! No more than Saudi Arabia, for which there is no embargo that is taken !! For which we do not care and we allow possible creation of nuclear weapon. Because that country is a partner of the UE, and gives its wealth to the West. Sign the petition and spread the word to avoid a very dangerous action, that may lead to the end of a huge part of humanity, with the aggreement of the public opinion that would have been lured with argument such as "against nuclear weapons" , and in favour of ONLY the West and the rich.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fapoke