• Let the Music Play - Allow The Dirty Clergy to Perform
    Sign this petition to get the band re-instated to perform. Add the band on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/thedirtyclergy
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by The Dirty Clergy
  • Tell Lawmakers to Remove Credit Check from the Hiring Process
    People with poor credit are not criminals. With a job, they have a better chance of fixing their credit and the economy might benefit too.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roosevelt Francois
  • Gander Mountain
    I was in Gander Mountain in Madison Wisconsin on February 5th and was shocked to see National Rifle Association clothing. They support the purchase of clips like the one used on Gabby Giffords and the others injured or killed only 1 year ago. They are a major lobbying force and should not be supported, I Support banning Gander Mountain.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Vieth
  • Stop ADT From Charging Stiff Penalties
    About a year and a half ago I signed a contract with ADT to protect my daughter's house after she had the door knocked down and intruders came in to take her belongings. I signed a three year contract to pay $45 a month plus I paid them over $200 up front to install the electronic equipment. The house my daughter was renting has now been forclosed on and she can no longer live there. She has moved in with me. I do not want the equipment, I have several large dogs. Now I am being forced to pay two more payments of $45 and a $750 penalty. I feel this is totally unfair and amounts to poor and middle class people being disadvantaged.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Glenda Beatty
  • Legalise Marijuana
    For millenia, humans have grown and used Hemp for many reasons. We know that it has countless medical values, from actually CURING cancer, to treating rashes, detox, improving the general health and wellbeing, and many more. Today, it is illegal because Big Pharma can't patent a herb, and therefore not profit from it. This insanity has to stop, mainly because cancer is on the rise worl wide and the cure for it has been here all along...
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason D. Smith
  • Komen Investigation by the Senate
    Now that we know Ali Fleisher hired defeated Handal, the whole Komen organization smells of political connections illegal for a non-profit. Susan G Koman Foundation should be investigated by the Senate - women have a right to be protected.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M. Wheeler
  • Komen Investigation by the Senate
    Now that we know Ali Fleisher hired defeated Handal, the whole Komen organization smells of political connections illegal for a non-profit. Susan G Koman Foundation should be investigated by the Senate - women have a right to be protected.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M. Wheeler
  • Komen Investigation by the Senate
    Now that we know Ali Fleisher hired defeated Handal, the whole Komen organization smells of political connections illegal for a non-profit. Susan G Koman Foundation should be investigated by the Senate - women have a right to be protected.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M. Wheeler
  • Stop our Catholic priests from going too far!
    The last two weekends have been filled with hate and bigotry in Catholic Churches across the nation. Join this protest to tell your Catholic religious leaders that they have gone too far and the political agendas and social issues like Roe vs Wade do not belong in church. Let your parishioners decide their political views for themselves in the privacy of their own homes. Do not force liberals across this country to abandon our faith due to the conservative right wing political agenda to prevent the re-election of President Obama.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A liberal Catholic
  • Rachel Burgin, ALEC puppet, Should Resign
    Florida State Rep.Rachel Burgin (R) introduced legislation to reduce corporate taxes but forgot to remove the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) mission statement from her bill. She did not write this legislation, ALEC did. ALEC is backed by large corporations who have corrupted our political process. Rachel Burgin has failed to represent the interests of Floridians and has instead taken her marching orders from corporate puppet masters. Occupy Naples Florida calls on Rachel Burgin to resign immediately.
    203 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Hemrick
  • Please tell the Maine Legislature to fix, not gut, the Maine Clean Elections Act.
    Due to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Maine lawmakers have to make changes to the MCEA. They are considering doing nothing, which would effectively end Clean Elections in Maine. Tell them you want them to find a solution that keeps our elections where they belong: In the hands of the Citizens of Maine.
    1,799 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joe Madore
  • Eliot Spitzer for Treasury Secretary
    Convincing President Obama and Congress to replace Timothy Geitner with Eliot Spitzer as Treasury Secretary. We need someone who is removed from Wall Street, yet knows how they operate, to oversee the American financial markets. As New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer took on Wall Street and won. We need his leadership at Treasury. He's paid his dues for his misdeeds, he is too valuable to not be involved in government.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Swami Prem Kavyo