• discontinue Corporations having a vote as citizens
    Our government is virtually (if not literally) run by the large corporations, out "elected" president having some bargaining power at best. A Republican supreme court passed this no doubt, at the behest of their backers. We need to take a stand and put our government into the hands of the people and this is but one small step back.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Wilson
  • Stop the Prosecution and Persecution of Thomas Drake
    Why is Mr. Thomas Drake, one of America's heroes and true patriots, being prosecuted and persecuted by the Obama administration? I am very concerned that we have become--not turning into--a police state. Here is the New Yorker article regarding Charges Against the N.S.A.’s Thomas Drake at: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/05/23/110523fa_fact_mayer?currentPage=all Something should be done about this. I realize that my lone voice is no more than a grain of sand on a large beach and can easily be considered insignificant and discounted by our politicians. But, nonetheless, this insignificant voice is shouting for a cause that affects every single voice and every single man, woman, and child--including our politicians--across this vast country of ours. If this shameful and unwarranted prosecution and persecution is allowed to proceed AND our public officials--our Dam of Freedom--whom we depend on to help safeguard our freedom and liberties remain timid and silent, then God Helps Us All! Tell our representatives and the Obama administration it's time to do the right thing and stop this prosecution of one of America's true and great patriots. A lone voice, Pierre Coupet
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pierre Coupet
  • Honest Lobbyist
    Professional lobbyist are and have been a scourge on how the government works. It is because of the lobbyist that the government in Washington D.C. has become owned by the special interests. This petition is designed to correct this and bring the power back to the people; where the power should rest.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven E. Templin
  • legalize marijuana
    every year at tax time we should be able to pay a grow tax fee per house hold that would permit us to grow our own marijiana so the federal goverment would have let say we pay 250.00 out of our taxes every year to grow our own. Then the money people use to buy it will now be put back the money into the economy. selling is still illigal.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by heather shamp
  • Basic Knowledge Prerequisite
    This petition will force legislators and lawmakers to know what the basic civil rights of each individual are. This is a good idea because it will eliminate ignorant or uneducated candidates from the election process, leaving voters with intelligent and ethical politicians.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Santiago Mesa
  • Impeach Everyone in CON Gress
    and in all levels of government. The E-CON -my is going to tank!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Kaspersin
  • Russ Feingold for Senate 2012
    The Young Progressives, a University of Wisconsin-Madison political organization, is calling on fellow Wisconsinites to reelect Russ Feingold back into Senate for 2012.
    12,328 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by The Young Progressives
  • Draft Russ Feingold for WI Senate
    Russ Feingold should run for the US Senate in Wisconsin in 2012. We need his strong, principled progressive voice back in Washington, fighting for working Americans and holding big corporations accountable.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt
  • Public Financing for All Major Election Campaigns!
    Our democracy is dysfunctional. Wealthy interests underwrite the campaigns of their favorite candidates, then these elected officials become their servants rather than servants of the common good. How else could a few Americans have oppressed the rest of us with credit default swaps, health insurers able to rescind sick patients, and economic policy tilted towards the few wealthiest citizens? A single legislative initiative will restore a vital democratic process in America. We need a constitutional amendment making all House, Senate, and Presidential campaigns entirely publicly financed.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Mangine
  • Congressional Reform Act of 2011
    Take a look at this and tell me it won't fix Congress. It will! One thing that is abundantly clear is that Washington DC, and Congress in particular, is very messed up. This legislation will create a substantially different atmosphere for our elected ones, and they had better be there to SERVE US AND NOT THEMSELVES!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bert Cutts
  • Let Puerto Rico be an independent nation.
    The decolonization of Puerto Rico should be carried out according to the United Nation's Resolution 1514(XV) of the General Assembly of 1960. Such resolution is considered the Magna Charta of decolonization. Independence is an inalienable right. Further all Puerto Rican political prisoners should be freed.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hector Lopez
  • U.S. Constitutional Amendment
    We need an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to stop the legalized bribery of elected officials by big business, labor unions, lobbyists and wealthy individuals. Only registered voters should be allowed to sway the candidates by donating money to their campaign and their political party. While Congress could pass laws to accomplish this, they clearly are not willing to give up this bountiful source of money.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Len Schoen